SHIELD Movie Would Be More Bond Than Superhero


Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in The Avengers courtesy

  Samuel L. Jackson has played SHIELD Director Nick Fury in 5 Marvel films. Would movie-goers accept the mission to see a film based on the super spy and his team of operatives? The actor spoke with MTV News about the possibility.

  “I don’t know how much of S.H.I.E.L.D. [Marvel] want[s] to expose…I mean, we’re not superheroes. We’re more of a shadow world. So, it would be more like ‘Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy‘ with good toys—closer to a ‘Bond’ movie than a superhero movie.”


  After a big ‘save the world’ plot in The Avengers would a SHIELD movie have the star and story power? I say YES! Fury, Black Widow, Hawkeye along with Cobie Smulders as SHIELD officer Maria Hill and Clark Gregg reprising his role as Agent Coulson – you have a great lineup. Secret War by Brian Michael Bendis, about Fury’s covert incursion into Latveria and it’s aftermath would be the basis for a thrilling spy story. 

For the entire interview here’s the MTV News link.

By Editor

Black Panther Returns in Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four #606 courtesy

  I love the Black Panther! I want Idris Elba to play T’Challa on the big screen. The Panther’s solo series (actually he had taken over for Daredevil) is over but the African monarch will appear in the famous book in which he was born. Black Panther debuted in Fantastic Four #52. Since then T’Challa has been an Avenger, a member of the FF, become King of Wakanda, married Storm of the X-Men, lost his throne and now returns to Fantastic Four #606 on May 23rd.

Jonathan Hickman tells about the reunion.

“In the recent past the Panther’s lost his throne and the country has seemingly lost its priceless resource [of Vibranium],” notes writer Jonathan Hickman. “Which is one of the reasons Reed Richards thinks he’s there [in Wakanda].
“Reed and the rest of the FF will get the appropriate reception that a life-long friend, intellectual peer and habitual heroes would receive.”

Mike Choi – one of my favorite artists – provided this regal cover.

For the entire interview here’s the link.

By Editor

New “Prometheus” Viral Video with Michael Fassbender’s Android

Michael Fassbender in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

A truly chilling performance by Michael Fassbender as the android David in a new faux commercial from Weyland Industries, the sinister company in Prometheus and the Alien films. Take a look – even if you think you’ve seen this, keep watching – especially the Rorschach looking symbols peppered in the spot.


Thanks to Digital Spy. Prometheus opens June 8. As I watch this I can’t help but think of Ian Holm telling the crew of the Nostromo the company’s orders in Alien.

 As I watch this – I can’t help but also think of how perfect Michael Fassbender would be at the Vision in The Avengers.

A Geek’s Dream Come True!

  I started last November in time for my birthday after years of friends saying you should do something creative with your love of comics! This year at Emerald City Comicon it was my first time as a fan and a blogger! I had t-shirts made and on a whim I took one along with me as I asked for writer and artist autographs. I had my amazing shirt framed and it’s back! Thanks to all the creators I got to meet, the awesome crowd at ECCC for producing an amazing event and especially all the fans and friends of my blog!

Big thanks to Matt Fraction, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Ed Brubaker, Marc Silvestri, Gail Simone, Chris Burnham, Greg Capullo, Terry & Rachel Dodson, Joe Eisma, Adi Granov, Shane Houghton, Georges Jeanty, Robert Kirkman, David Mack, Clay Mann, Dustin Nguyen, Rick Remender, Sam Humphries, Phillip Tan, Dexter Vines, Dustin Weaver, Matt Whitlock and Christopher Yost.

Chris Evans on Captain America’s Role & Suit in “The Avengers”

Chris Evans as Captain America in Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel Films

  Captain America: The First Avenger left off with World War II era super soldier waking up in modern-day New York. Marvel’s The Avengers picks up Steve’s story as a man out of time. Chris Evans reprises his role as the wholesome hero who lives by a moral code.

  “Cap is struggling to find his footing in a modern-day,” Evans tells “He’s a fish out of water [and] kind of stuck in his old mentality and his old ways. The jet and all the technology of S.H.I.E.L.D. and [Iron Man’s] suit–that does blow his mind, but the thing that he’s really at odds with is…the changes in society. Morals and values, and the way people interact.” With the modern age comes a new suit for the Star Spangled Avenger. Evans appears to be happy with the SHIELD made version of his iconic uniform.

  “The last [suit] was…very difficult to move in,” he confesses. “This one actually looks much more like the comic book. A little toastier, but it all looks great. Doing ‘Captain America: The First Avenger’ was strange because you look around and you’re the only super hero walking around. [Then] the first day on this set, Hemsworth’s in his cape and Downey’s got the armor. Just on a personal career level, the stuff I’ve been able to do in this movie…has been the most geeked out I’ve ever felt on a movie set.”

For the entire interview here’s the link.

Marvel’s The Avengers opens May 4th and the Captain America sequel is slated for April 4, 2014.

All 5 Star Trek TV Captains Together

  Starfleet HQ calls San Francisco home but London will become the center of the Trek universe this Fall! All 5 Star Trek television Captains will appear on stage together for the first time at the official convention Destination Star Trek London.

  William Shatner, Sir Patrick Stewart, Avery Books, Kate Mulgrew and Scott Bakula will unite on stage for the event October 19th-21st at the Excel Exhibition Center, London.

  Beam me to London!

  I was lucky to meet and have a photo op with the amazing Kate Mulgrew in Seattle. The former Captain Kathryn Janeway was in the Emerald City performing her one woman play, Tea at Five in which she played Katherine Hepburn.

By Editor


Thanks to for the story.

Sabretooth Reborn


Wolverine #310 courtesy

Sabretooth is back! At the Marvel Cup of Joe panel at C2E2 it was announced Jeph Loeb and Simone Bianchi will reunite for Sabretooth Reborn picking up where they left off in Evolution. The team take over Logan’s solo title with Wolverine #310 this July. Cloak & Dagger will be part of the arc.


Wolverine #311 courtesy Marvel

Logan beheaded his archrival with the muramasai blade, which negates their healing factor. Sabretooth turned up in Jason Aaron’s final Wolverine arc and in Wolverine and the X-Men, where Victor Creed is working for the new Hellfire Club.

  To see the entire panel transcription here’s the link. By Editor

AvX: A Geek Divided

  I am a geek divided and torn. When it comes to AvX– there’s no doubt, I want the X-Men to win. They were my first comic book. They are the characters I can identify with the most. I love Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Luke Cage and more Avengers but I’ll always love mutants more.

 I’ve been declaring “Cyke is Right” and now I realize how close that is the “Magneto Was Right” t-shirt worn by Quentin Quire and other radical young mutants.

  Cyclops has been the leader the mutants needed. Even Professor X and Magneto have bowed to him. With AvX even Erik is questioning Scott. I think in her heart Emma Frost may be too.

Avengers vs. X-Men #2 interior preview art courtesy Marvel, a Comics Newsarama exclusive

  I just saw a preview of AvX #2 Marvel provided Comics Newsarama. The way this is written, the way the other characters react to Scott – it just made me think even more about a theory of mine – Cyclops is under the influence. He still has a remnant of the Void locked in his head. Scott is a great leader and strategist but is his zealot like attitude against the Avengers due to that sliver of evil that existed in the Robert Reynolds/The Sentry?

  Maybe the Phoenix can burn the Void out of him? I hope the X-Men win but I believe Cyclops will pay a terrible price for victory.