Viral Video “Prometheus” Be Careful What You Ask For Doctor

Prometheus still of Noomi Rapace courtesy 20th Century Fox

  Here’s a new viral video for Ridley Scott’s Prometheus. First came the Ted talk 2023 video with Guy Pearce as Peter Weyland then a creepy faux commercial for Michael Fassbender’s android David. Noomi Rapace as Dr. Elizabeth Shaw stars in the latest video Quiet Eye found on the Verizon FIOS facebook page. In the video Dr. Shaw is pleading her case to Peter Weyland.

Did you see the creep analyzing and the Yutani logo? It seems like in Prometheus Weyland and Yutani are separate companies.

By Editor

The Irony of Real and Comic Book Heroes in Seattle Plus Phoenix Jones Costume


X-Factor #236 courtesy Marvel

  The mutant detectives of X-Factor Investigations are on the case in Seattle after someone starts killing the city’s so called real super heroes. Madrox and Shattershot went undercover with the X-ceptionals last month.

  This week’s X-Factor #236 exposes the killer but this revelation brings up a ton of questions. This new foe named Scattershot looks awfully familiar. (Like a lot of villains from Rob Liefeld’s X-Force era.)

  Peter David’s storyline has been fun and filled with mystery, action and humor. It’s ironic that comic book heroes are going undercover in Seattle to save people in comic books who are dressing and want to to be super heroes.

  What you may or may not know is that Seattle (home of yours truly) actually has a real life super hero movement. Phoenix Jones is the most notable of these residents who patrol the streets in costume. I recently met the director who’s been on patrol with the Citizen Heroes for an upcoming documentary.

  Every good hero inspires a villain. Enter Rex Velvet earlier this month. This self-proclaimed real life “People’s Villain” has released two stylish videos challenging Seattle’s heroes and appears to be planning a phase two of his campaign.

  Maybe Peter David will take a look at Rex’s videos. I’d be fascinated if it inspires a new twist or sequel to this current X-Factor storyline.

  As I wrote this I learned Phoenix Jones is looking to upgrade his costume. He asked for suggestions from followers via his Twitter.



Rex Velvet Welcomed by the International Society of Supervillains


courtesy Rex Velvet?

  It appears Rex Velvet, the self-proclaimed “People’s Villain” of Seattle has been welcomed by the International Society of Supervillains. Is this the next phase of Velvet’s campaign?

  You may have seen this post from last week hinting that the creative and charismatic ‘villain’ is plotting something new. 

  First Seattle, now the world? Is there no end to your ambition Rex?

  By Editor

Rex Velvet’s Next Move?


courtesy Rex Velvet?

  “Rex Velvet” the self-proclaimed “super villain” of Seattle has been quiet since his YouTube debut and follow-up video challenging Emerald City’s super hero movement.  

  Have you have noticed the addition to the webpage of the so-called “People’s Villain?” What is this SocialVillainsAlliance link? Is this a clue to a phase two?

By Editor

Editoral Note: is covering this story because of the ties to comic book culture. This apppears to be the work of a creative person. We do not advocate super-villainy or any villainous acts or violence.

Why Joss Why? Avengers Death Explained – SPOILER WARNING

Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel

  If you haven’t seen Marvel’s The Avengers yet you may not want to keep reading this post.














 Joss Whedon always kills the ones we love and we love him for it. Death has meaning, impact and drama in Buffy, Serenity, Angel, and The Avengers. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes needed someone to avenge. Agent Phil Coulson had to die. But Whedon tells io9 it wasn’t completely on him this time.

  In our first meeting Kevin Feige said, this is what we’re gonna do and I said, “Oh but you have to go out there and tell everybody that it was your idea because this is going to get me so much s—. Because they are all going to be like, “Oh he did it again!” It was stipulated from the beginning, and I completely agree that it was the right thing to do, and so did Clark. Who said in the early days, when I was busy apologizing for it, “In a movie like this, with what’s going on if there isn’t some toll, it’s just irresponsible story telling.”

This Geek’s Take: It never occured to me that Agent Coulson would die because I was so caught up in the movie. Phil, you will be missed. I’m glad Coulson will live on in the Marvel comic universe.


“Avengers: Battle for Earth” Game Announced

courtesy Marvel and Ubisoft

  Avengers: Battle for Earth game has been declared by Marvel and Ubisoft. The game for Kinect for Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii U is based on the popular series Secret Invasion. That epic storyline featured the shapeshifting Skrulls. The aliens had infiltrated nearly every super hero team, government agency and even criminal organizations for years setting up their takeover of Earth.

  The game will feature 20 different characters. For more information you can visit

The Avengers Mystery Villain – SPOILER ALERT












  The clues were there – even in Thor – but Marvel’s The Avengers delivered a cosmic shock finale revealing that Thanos was the master of the Chitauri in the movie. But the Mad God of Titan was the mystery villain behind the new Zodiac as revealed in Avengers Assemble #3.

Thanos returns in Avengers Assemble #3 courtesy Marvel

 It’s a one, two punch and major comeback for the big purple bad ass that once wiped out half the universe.  Today Avengers Editor Tom Brevoort said these appearances are just the beginning for the Death-worshipping alien.

“Since we designed AVENGERS ASSEMBLE to be a nice, easy entry point for people coming out of the film, for all that it still exists within our current Marvel Universe, it was a bit of a no-brainer to have Thanos be the villains behind our first storyline,” shares Marvel Senior VP – Executive Editor Tom Brevoort on “More than simply bringing him back, this storyline will be setting him up for bigger things that are just off on the horizon—it’s the first step towards something we’ve been working on behind the scenes for a while now.”

“He’s a villain of such power and stature that he can give the Avengers a fight all by himself,” he notes. “There’s no such thing as a small Thanos story—he operates on an intergalactic scale. And he’s a fascinating, nuanced character, with passions and neuroses all his own that make him stand apart as an individual, and not just a cookie-cutter moustache-twirler.”

In case you missed it here’s my take on the return of Thanos and what it means for the future of Marvel movies including Avengers 2.

Avengers Assemble #4 is out June 13th.

By Editor

Seattle Video Villain Rex Velvet Is Back

courtesy Rex Velvet?

  Satirical fun by a creative mind or something else? Rex Velvet issued another challenge to the real life super hero movement of the Emerald City. A week ago the self-proclaimed super villain of Seattle revealed himself to the media. He shared this video with the media.

  It was just one of the many ironic stories last week about the “real super hero” movement in Seattle in a Marvel comic book, at an Avengers film series and on YouTube.

Rex Velvet has unveiled a new video. You can watch it here:

What do you think?

By Editor