I confess.
I did NOT like Illyana Rasputin.
Magik has one of the most complicated origin stories in comics. She went from little girl to teen demon sorceress in an instant then a child again, then died, then resurrected with an evil persona. A confusing back story paired with just plain vicious treatment of fellow mutants made her unlikeable.
There’s cold and cool like Emma Frost and then there’s just cruel like Illyana’s treatment of her big brother Colossus.
Cyclops, Emma, Magneto and Magik were the central cast of Uncanny X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis. The broken powers of each character led to vulnerability for each powerhouse – that made them more compelling than ever.
As we experience the final chapters of the Bendis run it’s time to look back and give credit where it’s due. Continue reading Making MAGIK in X-MEN by BENDIS