Captain Marvel vs. Brood!?
Avengers: The Enemy Within continues this week as Carol and some of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes face an alien alliance of a legendary Kree soldier and the Brood – infamous aliens from the X-Men enemies gallery.
Carol Danvers has proven herself to be a great heroes as the new Captain Marvel but a brain injury has grounded her and is threatening her sanity. Kelly Sue DeConnick is the architect of Avengers: The Enemy Within crossing over in Captain Marvel and this week’s Avengers Assemble #16.

The chief villain is the Kree officer who gave Carol her powers and was a rival of the original Captain Marvel as DeConnick explains to Marvel.com.
“He’s someone who’s been in Carol’s life before, and someone who holds her up as a symbolic representation of everyone and everything that has wronged him and robbed him of the life and honors he feels he has earned.”
“I have some sympathy for him too. He’s a man who’s been separated from everything that had any meaning for him. He’s a man without a home.”
All the Avengers are on deck for big event: Infinity. DeConnick explains to Comic Book Resources how the outcome of this crossover will propel into the team’s fight against Thanos:
“[There are] 8 million lives at risk, and Carol makes a great sacrifice. Her relationship with Jessica may be forever altered.
Both books are tying into “Infinity,” and I’m trying to do a thing that, if it works, will be awesome — and if it doesn’t is going to be at least a spectacular failure? I hope, anyway. It’s ambitious for the first time out of the gate on a tie-in, but how can you look at anything Jonathan Hickman does and not feel like you have to up your game? ”
The Enemy Within continues tomorrow in Avengers Assemble #16.
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