Red Skull. Baron Zemo. Arnim Zola.
A new villain is joining the evil fraternity of super villains obsessed with beating the Sentinel of Liberty thanks to Captain America writer Rick Remender.
In Loose Nuke, Steve Rogers took on Nuke, the super soldier from the classic Daredevil epic, Born Again. Turns out a dangerous new enemy was the mastermind behind Nuke’s rampage:
The Iron Nail.

“One of the things I wrote down for myself as a goal when I took over CAPTAIN AMERICA was to establish a giant new villain who was identifiable yet terrifying, and to come up with an evil plot very wide and terrifying in its scope,” Remender tells Marvel.com.
“The Iron Nail is going to accomplish something in terms of his war on America and S.H.I.E.L.D. and Cap that is pretty big, so we wanted to spend a lot of time on this and make sure we really properly developed it.”
After striking from the shadows the Iron Nail is stepping out of the dark for a full-on assault.

“I wanted to put Cap against somebody who was opposed to him in almost all aspects and then show how that person went from being one of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s top agents and somebody who used to believe in the American dream [to being] disenfranchised and in love with Mao’s manifesto but amplified and seeing it as not even far enough,” Remender explains. “I wanted to write him in a way that his Communism [is] turned up to 11, but still in some way relatable.
“The more I wrote down his motives and his thinking and how he sees the world, how he wants to change the world, it became more apparent to me that he is perfectly, inversely opposed to Captain America in most ways and really is a perfect villain for him.”
The Iron Nail’s plan comes to a head in Captain America #15 (art by Carlos Pacheco, cover by Jim Cheung) on January 22nd and the villain will appear in Winter Soldier: The Bitter March, also by Remender.
For the complete interview here’s the Marvel.com link.
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