A SUPER Night for Captain America fans as Marvel shared the new trailer for Captain America: The Winter Soldier and 8 new images from the upcoming sequel starring the World War II hero and Avenger.
Chris Evans is back as Steve Rogers questioning the role of S.H.I.E.L.D. and facing a ghost from his past.
Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Falcon (Antony Mackie) join Steve’s mission to uncover a conspiracy within S.H.I.E.L.D.

Sebastian Stan is the ruthless cyborg soldier known as the Winter Soldier. (To avoid spoilers – more on that story below)
Samuel L. Jackson reprises his role as Nick Fury who appears to be taken out of action by the Winter Soldier. Colbie Smulders is back as Maria Hill. Robert Redford joins the team as Alexander Pierce a high-level S.H.I.E.L.D. director.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier opens April 4.
Here are more images below:

Yes, that’s Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes. But he died in World War II on a mission against Hydra and the Red Skull right?
As we’ll learn in the movie, Bucky was captured, brainwashed and turned into a cyborg assassin who survived the decades.

By Editor