Did you see the beating Matt Murdock took in Daredevil #25?! After the brutal pounding by Ikari Matt has been left in a pool of his own blood.

Is Daredevil now the Man With Fear after a defeat by an enemy with all the same powers of Daredevil but none of his weaknesses?

The deadly Ikari has all of Matt’s heightened senses but he can still see. To make the defeat even more humiliating – Ikari worn a costume modeled after Matt’s father – Battling Jack Murdock!

Marvel shared this preview of Daredevil #26 by Mark Waid and Chris Samnee. In this double sized issue how will Matt recover and beat Ikari?
Matt turns to Tony Stark? How can Iron Man help Daredevil?
Find out in Daredevil #26 out May 22nd.
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