Cable and X-Men are mutants on the run. This powerhouse team has been branded as terrorists. Colossus is one of my favorite X-Men but writer Dennis Hopeless it taking the character into new territory after Avengers vs. X-Men. No Kitty Pryde. No X-Men. Domino thrives on living a life on the run. Colossus not so much as Hopeless explains:
“Colossus is definitely having the worst time of it. He’s dealing with a lot of guilt—old guilt and new guilt—and wants to atone. There’s a simple solution to all of this, but it’s tough to save the world from behind bars. Pete is torn between his guilt and his loyalty to X-Force and their mission”
Pete won’t be on the run much longer. As you can see from Cable and X-Force #6 Colossus goes to prison.
“He wants to make amends, do his time and move on from all the guilt. He likes prison in a weird way. It’s as though a weight has been lifted from his chest and he can breathe again. The only thing particularly difficult about jail is that Domino, Cable and X-Force won’t leave him alone in there.”

Hope Summers is another mutant who’s been “exiled” from the flagship X-titles. The mutant messiah is back with her “dad” and Hopeless will continue to explore Cable’s relationship with the girl he raised and his father, Cyclops.
“I think in both cases, the relationship is hard because of how similar the fathers are to their children. Hope drives Cable nuts because she’s just like him. She’s headstrong and self-righteous, quick to grab a gun and solve every problem herself. Cable knows she learned it by watching him but wants his daughter to have an easier life than he did. Also, he trained her for life in a post-apocalyptic wasteland and now expects her to settle down and be a normal teenager. That’s never going to happen.
Scott and Cable have a similar problem. They’re both arrogant tacticians who prefer giving orders to explaining themselves. Their relationship is more complicated because Scott didn’t get the opportunity to raise Nate. Cable respects Cyclops, but as a peer not a parent. And yet, nature beat out nurture in this case because Scott ended up with a son who shares his most irritating personality traits.”

The stunning cover to Cable and X-Force #7 says it all: Daddy’s Home. This will be the first time Cyclops and Cable have reunited since Scott formed the new Uncanny X-Men. It’s likely Scott will try to recruit Cable to his revolution. How will Nathan respond?
For more of the interview here’s the Marvel.com link.
By Editor