Talk about an odd but bad ass IMF team – Bucky Barnes, Black Widow and Doctor Doom clash with Doombots, Russian super soldiers and machine gun-toting gorillas! Let’s see Cruise beat that in a Mission Impossible movie!
Jokes aside – the first arc of The Winter Soldier has been thrilling fun from page one. Nick Fury tasks Bucky and Natasha with finding the other sleeper agents he trained. The mission led to Red Ghost, his super apes, the return of a crucial villain from Brian Michael Bendis’ Secret War and of course Doom.
Ed Brubaker and Butch Guice delivered an action packed spy caper in the dark underbelly of the Marvel Universe. This week’s Issue 5 shows us Bucky, Black Widow and Doom fighting together to prevent all-out war. I definitely recommend picking up this arc in the trade but this story is far from over. This issue comes with a cliffhanger sending Bucky on a new mission and facing his violent past.
By Editor