Fox is turning to a director of hits past to carry on the X-Men franchise. Bryan Singer is officially coming back to the mansion! The director who launched the X-Men film franchise will helm X-Men: Days of Future Past according to Deadline. X-Men: First Class director Matthew Vaughn stepped away the director’s chair but may continue to have a role as a producer.
The story will be based on the classic story by Chris Claremont and John Byrne. In the mutants have been nearly wiped out by giant robots called Sentinels. Imprisoned X-Men from the future send Kitty Pryde into the past to rally the X-Men of the time to prevent an assassination that leads to their horrific future. Wolverine leads the resistance movement and a last stand (pardon the pun and remembrance of movies past) against the Sentinels. This storyline could mean the possibility of Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ellen Page and Daniel Cudmore reprising their roles. With makeup magic that could appear as older, broken versions of the characters they played in the first trilogy. This story is also noted for the introduction of Rachel Summers (daughter of Cyclops and Jean Grey) and Franklin Richards (son of Reed and Sue of the Fantastic Four.)
By Editor
now if singer will only give us some silver screen gay x-men, preferably rictor & shatterstar & ANOLE, & HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Thanks for the comment – maybe Northstar will appear? A belated Happy Halloween