The new Star Wars comic book series from Dark Horse Comics is thrilling fans with new stories set after events in Star Wars: A New Hope. Leia is flying X-wings and uncovering Imperial spies. Luke is flirting with another pilot. Han and Chewbacca are on a secret mission. Writer Brian Wood reveals Han Solo is the most fun to write in an interview with Comic Book Resources.
“It’s kind of fun writing him being a dick and with his sarcasm and banter back and forth with Chewbacca,” Wood said and it’s easy to hear Harrison Ford’s voice in his head.
Princess Leia is a character that’s front and center of the book. Wood is acclaimed for writing strong female characters (X-Men) and says Leia’s in a place where she’s still in mourning after her home world was destroyed.
“If there is any, really central theme to the story it’s everyone is literally dealing with some sort of loss or trauma after the events of the first film,” said Wood. “Han is sort of struggling with the fact that he’s not as anonymous as he might want to be. He now has a crosshair painted on his back. Wedge, who I really like, also lost all his friends and is the only survivor besides Luke of the battle, so he has a lot of survivor’s guilt. Even Vader has failed. Everyone is kind of going through some stuff and that’s something that has never been in any of the films. I also wondered why everybody seemed so happy at the end of the film, so I kind of dealt with that.”
Star Wars #5 arrives next week with Leia caught between squadrons of TIE fighters and Skywalker off to the rescue.
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