Brian Wood is taking over two X-Men titles in June. Wood kicked off 2012 with his Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega limited series. If that series is an indicator of what he has planned for X-Men and Ultimate Comics: X-Men then prepare your mind to be mutated.
My big question for Wood when I met him at Emerald City Comicon was is his plan was to keep Storm as team of X-Men. He responded with a cool “yes, you kind of have to keep her.”
Fans asked Wood plenty of questions on X-Position on Comic Book Resources, which featured new art from his two X series.
When asked about Storm’s team’s mission:
“The mission statement is to really play up the fact they are a “security team” — really take that to an elevated level they aren’t really at now. I made them mobile, global, and with a mission mandate that will see them doing less of what Victor was doing and more along the lines of something like “The Authority” or “Planetary” — investigating weird stuff that has a tendency to go epic and cause a lot of property damage. And it involves a lot of gray area morality, Storm and the rest of them out in the field having to make decisions on the spot without the benefit of consulting with Scott first. Well, perhaps it’s a blessing to not have to consult with Scott?”
Wood went to confirm Warpath is out, Pixie is in, and he’s created new bad guys.

Over to the Ultimate-verse:
Personally, I love Kitty Pryde/The Shroud in Ultimate Comics X-Men and Wood promised the addition the Ultimate Jean Grey aka Karen Grant.
“Absolutely, and in a major, major way. But not for a while. This trajectory I’ve put Kitty and her team on needs to play out a bit, and once we’re past the “Divided We Fall” event and are into the next phase of the story, Jean’ll be back. And she’ll be coming back to a very different America and a very different Kitty Pryde.”
For the entire Q & A plus more images here’s the link.
By Editor
Any word on what’s going on with Ultimate Colossus?
He and Storm were being held at Camp Angel and led a breakout. The story was left with 3 groups of mutants in 3 different locations and 3 storylines that didn’t seem to connect. Wood has a big task.
I need more Jean in my ultimate comics so yeh
Thanks for the comment. I really like the Ultimate Jean but really love Kitty as the Shroud.