The all-female X-Men team takes on a new Sisterhood of Mutants in the fallout of Battle of the Atom. Kitty Pryde has left the team. Monet St. Croix of X-Factor is on board. A revamped Lady Deathstrike leads a new crew (including some non-mutants) against the women in the next two arcs: Muertas (with artist Terry Dodson) and Ghosts with artist Kris Anka.
Writer Brian Wood tells Marvel.com how he picked the roster for the new Sisterhood including some the mutants have never faced before:
“Well, a few of the Sisterhood are yet to be revealed, and so I’ll keep quiet on them for now. But so far, yeah, we were looking for villains who weren’t the norm, who had ties to other parts of the Marvel Universe. I spent a lot of time just running down lists of villains on Wikipedia, asking the editors who might be available, and narrowing it down. I was looking not just at names and personalities, but power sets. Someone like Enchantress presents a threat that the X-Men maybe don’t see every day. Typhoid Mary—who doesn’t want to see her face off against Psylocke? Amora vs. Monet? It’s pretty easy to imagine the villains winning those fights, just as easily as the X-Men prevailing.”

The war between the Sisterhood and X-Men begins in X-Men #7.
What do you think of Lady Deathstrike’s new Day of the Dead inspired redesign?
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