In the aftermath Harbinger Wars Valiant exposes the secret origin of Bloodshot this week.
Matt Kindt (Mind MGMT) artist ChrisCross declassify the secret history of Project Rising Spirit’s Bloodshot program and its most deadliest success in – Bloodshot #0.

“From the darkest days of World War II and Korea, and through the hell of Vietnam and Afghanistan, Bloodshot’s origin leaves a bloody trail of discarded lives and forgotten families. But which memories are real? Which families? Which children? Is Bloodshot many men…or no man at all? Is he simply a soulless killing machine or something more? Who is responsible? And why have they engineered the most dangerous weapon ever conceived by man?”
Valiant calls this the definitive origin of the man behind the machine in Bloodshot #0 out Wednesday.
Here are more pages from inside the origin issue and variant covers:

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