Deadly, gorgeous and damaged. Joss Whedon and Scarlett Johannson made Black Widow and badass beauty with a dark past in The Avengers. The SHIELD operative is haunted by the “red” in her ledger. Writer Kelly Sue DeConnick will explore Natasha’s past in this week’s Avengers Assemble #12. DeConnick previews The Widow’s Ledger arc on Marvel.

“Oh, it was absolutely inspired by the ‘Marvel’s The Avengers’ movie,” confirms DeConnick. “As soon as the Widow said the line, ‘I have a lot of red in my ledger,’ I was like, “Holy crap. I want to see that movie!’”
“This is a story about debts, among other things, and there’s a coolness, an almost clinical remove to the way in which Black Widow keeps score,” says DeConnick. “Now, add Jessica Drew and Clint Barton to that mix and it all gets messy. Suddenly the Widow’s well out of her comfort zone.
“I love how preternaturally cool Natasha is; not cool like rock star cool, cool like temper-less, controlled. In that way she’s the opposite of the character I’ve been writing most of late; Carol Danvers is quick-tempered, explosive. Natasha is patient, chill, calculating.”
Black Widow, Hawkeye and Spider-Woman rush to Siberia before Natasha’s sins come back to haunt the Avengers and the world! Go inside The Widow’s Ledger starting with Avengers Assemble #12. by DeConnick and artist Pete Woods starting this week.
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