Black Widow.
Two of Marvel’s most stunning super heroines are starring in the upcoming relaunch of Secret Avengers by writer Ales Kot and artist Michael Walsh.
The first issue starts with Natasha and Jessica enjoying some down time in a Russian style spa in New York City until duty calls…
“Natasha is the most experienced team member and a genuinely lethal, quiet spy,” Kot told Marvel.com.
“She’s sort of an older sister to Jessica Drew—the first scene alone shows that pretty well. It’s all about Natasha showing Jessica how to relax, and about Jessica being sort of oblivious when it comes to the concept. Natasha is quiet power. She doesn’t need to stand out or run the team. She just wants to get things done when they need to get done, and her code of ethics is much more streamlined than those of plenty of her colleagues.” Kot told Marvel.com.

“Black Widow and Spider-Woman really like each other,” Kot added.
The bond could be tough for Hawkeye. Clint’s dated both women.
Natasha, Spider-Woman, Nick Fury, Hawkeye, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill with M.O.D.O.K. are the covert squad of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
Secret Avengers #1 arrives March 12th.
By Editor