BLACK BOLT Solo And INHUMANS Evolution in 2017

Royals courtesy Marvel
Royals courtesy Marvel

The Inhumans exit Earth in 2017?

Inhumans vs. X-Men ignites next month as the two races fight it out for genetic survival.

ResurrXion gave fans a look at what happens to the X-Men following the event. Now we are learning big changes coming for the Inhumans in two new titles.

Marvel announced Royals by Al Ewing (U.S. Avengers) and Jonboy Meyers coming in April 2017 and Black Bolt (via io9) by novelist Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward starring Blackagar Boltagon. This will be Ahmed’s first comic book series.

Marvel announced the Inhuman Royal Family may have cracked the code of the Terrigenesis origins and will voyage deep into the cosmos to find out in the new ongoing series. The cast will include Black Bolt, Medusa, Crystal, Gorgon, Swain, and Flint, along with Marvel Boy “have left the present to the new generation while they secure the future of the Inhumans out in the stars.”

Ewing confirmed the Royals will leave Earth and head for the Kree homeworld and watch for the return of Ronan the Accuser, he’s still cosmically enhanced from events in The Black Vortex. Old school fans may remember Crystal was once married to the Kree warlord. Marvel Boy is not an Inhuman but is of Kree descent from another dimension.

Ewing shared an ominous prophecy:

“Seven went forth, six returned.”

“One of the seven who leave Earth is going to die. I figured it’s not a proper myth without some kind of sinister prophecy going on. Plus, we know the stakes are life and death, they are in pretty much any comic you pick up. But there’s a difference between being told that all of these people could die, and that one of these people will die. I’ve a feeling that’ll raise the stakes a lot, especially as every person on the crew is going to hopefully have a bit of a fanbase by the time I actually pull the trigger.” Ewing told

In the new Black Bolt book, the King will be cut off from his fellow Inhumans and thrown into a prison packed with criminals from across the galaxy. Ahmed confirmed Crusher Creel – the Absorbing Man is one of the inmates in this mysterious prison.

For Black Bolt fans (yours truly has a Mike Choi sketch with the word balloon, “Shhhhhh”) this new solo is a long time coming. Ahmed explains the appeal of Boltagon.

“Black Bolt has been—he’s kind of an odd character, because he’s been around in the Marvel Universe for fifty years. He was created by, you know, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby back in the day. And the Inhumans have always been this sort of interesting, almost “cult” thing, in the Marvel Universe. They’ve never been as famous as the X-Men or The Hulk, or Spider-Man, or anything like that. For more kinda hardcore Marvel nerds, they’re these touchstone characters. I don’t want to say “hipster,” [laughs] a hipster test—but if you know who the Inhumans are, then you’re sort of like, on the inside. So, the challenge is bringing him to new readers. He’s this kind of strange, sort of ‘60s cosmic Marvel character. Very much a creation of his time.” Ahmed told  io9.

Black Bolt #1 courtesy Marvel
Black Bolt #1 courtesy Marvel

“And he’s a very compelling guy, because he can’t speak. He’s one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe, really. Although we rarely see his power unleashed. It’s not like the Hulk’s sort of massive beat downs on a regular basis… rarely does he get his powers demonstrated. Nobody knows quite how powerful he is. Which intrigues people. But has not really been explored deeply. Part of his story is that he’s always—him and the Inhumans are a real family. And he always has people speaking for him and, you know, we never get deep into his head. That was kind of one of the challenges of working on a solo title.”

No official word on the fate of other new Inhumans created since the Terrigen Bomb like Inferno. Stay tuned. Today’s comic book news follows the announcement of an Inhumans television series coming to ABC in 2017.

By Editor