Turning Doctor Octopus into the new Spider-Man was big! Dan Slott is revealing his bigger plans for the Superior Spider-Man. Issue 7 and 8 are the set up for everything happening this summer. Marvel teased “Spectacular Spider-Man No More” for issue 9. Slott shares what’s ahead as he builds up to July Spider-Man month with Marvel.com.
“Right now we are having a two-parter that involves Cardiac and the Avengers, after a couple things that Spidey has done have gone public. The Avengers are starting to go heeeeey, that doesn’t feel like Spider-Man, what’s going on here, what is this? And even other people are starting to tweak to it too. And we’ve seen Spider-Man act weird in the past, we’ve seen him lose his cool, and smash up people like Firelord, and when he thinks he is going to kill the Lizard. You know, we’ve seen him lose it at times, and at no point does anyone go “Spider-Man you’re losing it. Someone must’ve swapped your brain.” You know, it’s not the first thing you jump to. But people are starting to get a little, “Eehhhhhhh, something’s weird. Something’s going on.”
Even the bad guys are getting a weird “Spider Sense” about the new webslinger:
“…We’ve already seen [it in] the villain community and the criminal community. Words spreading fast that if you mess with Spider-Man, he messes you up. We’ve already seen in Superior Spider-Man #4 when Spider-Man is swinging over to stop some crooks, White Rabbit and their gang, and everybody just immediately throws up their hands. Because “Well, we’ve heard you are going all Punisher and Wolverine on us. You know, we give up.” So already the underground has taken notice.
And we know that Carlie Cooper, she pretty much had it all laid out for her on a platter. She’s not out there going “Spider-Man’s weird,” she’s going “I think he might be Doc Ock.” So we’ve seen Carlie in the past when she’s been trying to figure things out where she really dots her t’s and crosses her i’s, [but] she can’t just walk up to the Avengers or Mayor Jameson and go “I think there’s been a mind swap.” It’s just so ludicrous. She better have all her information, she better have a lock solid case.”

What about the earlier tease of “Spectacular Spider-Man No More?”
“Everything ramps up. And come SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #9 there will be a massive change in the status quo of the book. A massive change, a game-changing issue.”
Green Goblin returns in issue 10 then more big changes as the book swings into summer:
“In SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #14 there will be new allies, a new look, and an all-new agenda. What is Superior Spider-Man doing? Why is he doing that? We have never seen a Spider-Man in any continuity ever do that. Yeah. Everyone just suddenly got very shocked in #5 and when Chris Eliopoulos was lettering it his son walked into the room and saw the art and he just yelled out, “Spider-Man doesn’t do that!” Well, here’s something else in #14 that Spider-Man doesn’t do. And he’s doing it.”
For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.
By Editor