The all-female X-Men squad faces a powerhouse new Sisterhood of Mutants in the next arc by writer Brian Wood. A redesigned Lady Deathstrike leads a new alliance of evil against the women in two back to back arcs: Muertas (with artist Terry Dodson) and Ghosts with artist Kris Anka.
In the aftermath of Battle of the Atom – one team member has switched sides, another has seen her future. Wood tells Marvel.com how that plays out in his series:
“I think the most profound change amongst my X-Men is the relationship Jubilee has with Shogo. Having seen him as an adult, still with the X-Men, and [knowing] that [she] raised him right puts a whole new perspective on their relationship now, on how Jubilee can look forward to her future. I think it adds a layer of adulthood and maturity to Jubilee. She won’t lose her famous mall rat sass, but there’s more to her now. I also think it’s a signal to the reader—and this was most important to me—that the addition of Shogo isn’t a gimmick or a temporary plot point or something else in disguise. It’s a real kid, and Jubilee’s his mom.
There’re other things too. Kitty is with another team now, for example, but we’re moving full steam ahead into the next stage of the book, introducing Lady Deathstrike and a new Sisterhood. And we haven’t forgotten some of the open story threads from our first arc, concerning Sublime and Arkea.”

Kitty is gone but I’m thrilled that Monet St. Croix formerly of Generation X and X-Factor) is joining the team. Monet’s ego could never fit in the same team with Emma Frost, her former mentor. But given M’s “personality” how will she fit into the new unit:
Well, she comes to the Jean Grey School not at all looking to join a new team, but to lay low a bit and recover from her recent ordeals over on X-Factor. We have a scene of her arriving in #7—to [former Generation X teammate] Jubilee’s initial dismay, I should note—and Monet assuring Storm that she’ll stay out of the way. She meets Karima Shapandar, who is in physical rehab following the events of the first arc, and they hit it off. And then events spin up and Monet finds herself caught up in it all. So she is a somewhat reluctant addition to the group, in a way, but she’s also not the type to hang back if there’s work to be done.”
Which X-Woman would you want to see join the team?
Dani Moonstar is available soon – it would be cool to have every X-team era represented – she could be the New Mutants era.
By Editor