Boy falls from stars.
Meets girl.
Boy goes back to stars.
Girl has their kid.
Cue evil aliens.
Peter Quill is a hero Marvel hopes you will learn to love as much as Tony Stark or Steve Rogers. In this week’s Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 Brian Michael Bendis and Steve McNiven introduce us the young man who will become Star-Lord in a prelude story I loved.
Guardians of the Galaxy and Star-Lord are old concepts that have been reworked with some degrees of success over the years. Bendis and McNiven inject the Star-Lord mythos with excitement, fresh energy and feeling. This is not a Star-Lord story. This is the story of Peter Quill, son of the man who fell to Earth and the son flew into the stars to meet his own destiny.
Bendis retells Peter’s origin with drama, romance, excitement but most importantly, human interaction. I was reminded of Michael Fassbender’s quote in Prometheus when David the android said “big things have small beginning.” Star-Lord will assemble a space-faring Avengers including Iron Man in his galactic crusade but the heart of the story is of a boy searching for answers from his father.
Space may be the place and Marvel’s new focus (Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, a GoftG movie) but if you have superstar creators keeping the story fresh and grounded then strap in and be ready to blast off!
By Editor