Batman Zero Year Preview

Batman #21 courtesy DC Comics
Batman #21 courtesy DC Comics

We’re getting a first look inside the epic that reveals how Bruce Wayne became the Dark Knight! Batman #21 kicks off Zero Year – an eleven issue arc revealing Bruce’s early days as a crime fighter in the New 42. DC Comics shared this first look at Greg Capullo’s art from Batman #21 and writer Scott Snyder talks about the origin of Batman arc:


Batman #21 courtesy DC Comics

“He becomes Batman pretty early in this,” Snyder tells COMIC BOOK RESOURCES , “You’ll see him as Batman not too far in. So in terms of that origin, that’s part of it. But part of this is the first big adventure he had as Batman. It’s not just how Bruce becomes Batman. That’s certainly a big part of ‘Zero Year’ at the beginning, but it’s also about how the city changes for him. It’s about how he becomes its hero. What does that mean? And what kind of threat is it going to throw at him to challenge him and make sure he’s worthy of that?”

Batman #21 arrives next month.

By Editor


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