DC Universe heroes are still reeling with the events of DARK NIGHTS METAL. The breakout villain of the event is coming back for more.

The Batman Who Laughs strikes again.
At DC Comics Justice League panel at San Diego Comic-Con featured a major announcement from Scott Snyder, the BATMAN New 52, DARK NIGHTS METAL writer is now the JUSTICE LEAGUE writer and architect of the LEAGUE line.
METAL unleashed an army of Batmen who were twisted versions of the Dark Knight mixed with the powers of other League heroes – and one major villain – from across the Dark Multiverse.
Snyder revealed The Batman Who Laughs will return in a six issue miniseries with art by Jock. Snyder will pit Batman against the culmination of all his fears from the Dark Multiverse, the evil amalgamation of himself and his greatest nemesis, The Joker.

From the Jock preview art, it looks like the Dark Knight is armed and ready for battle.
The Batman Who Laughs miniseries hits in November.
By Editor