Warner Brothers unveiled the first trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice following a leak.
Here are the top moments and burning questions:
God or Monster?
The Man of Steel appears to be loved and worshiped by some, feared and hated by others.
There’s an ominous shot of Henry Cavill surrounded by worshipers included many in Day of the Dead face paint.
We see a Superman statue in a major city. Has Metropolis been rebuilt after the destruction by Kal-El and Zod’s epic battle or is this Gotham City?
Who are the voices? I’m 99% sure the first one is veteran news anchor/host Charlie Rose. He’s just one of a collage of voices of news commentators and sound bites from the public who adore or fear Kal El.
Who is Holly Hunter? We hear the Oscar winning actress as one of many voices for and against Superman. Hunter appears to be against him? Sounds like a politician.
It all builds to an epic shot of “False God” spray painted on the statue.

Then the voice of Jeremy Irons (who plays Alfred Pennyworth)“That’s how it starts. The fever. The rage. The feeling of powerlessness. That turns good men cruel.”
After all the voices for and against Superman. Is Alfred talking about the Man of Steel or Bruce Wayne as the trailer cuts to Ben Affleck then an empty Batsuit?
Is the fever, rage and powerlessness after seeing Superman driving Wayne to come out of retirement and become the Dark Knight again?
Afflect’s big physique and Batsuit is clearly inspired by Frank Miller’s depiction in The Dark Knight Returns.
Batman with a rifle? The Dark Knight appears perched like a sniper ready to take aim at a man faster than a speeding bullet. With Batman’s bullets be made of something green?
We see the Batmobile and a new Bat jet (that look very different from the ones Christopher Nolan has Christian Bale in) on the attack.
Ben Affleck’s Batman voice is even darker and gruffer but appears to be filtered through his armored Batsuit as he asks Superman, “tell me, do you bleed? You will.”
Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) is the main villain but is he just a behind the scenes manipulator. Does Luthor orchestrate the rivalry between the two powerhouses?
Riddler Easter Egg? Did you notice the trademark of a classic Batman villain in the spray paint of a dark city street in Gotham. Around 1:20 look to the left for a question mark with a greenish color that stands out among the graffiti. Is Warner Brothers planting a seed for the bad guy to appear in a future Batman film?
Watch the trailer again here:
What are you favorite moments and biggest questions?
We’re scheduled to be in Monday’s IMAX screening and will follow up.
By Editor