Warner Brothers and DC Comics revealed the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice teaser trailer.
Earlier this week director Zack Snyder announced the first trailer would debut on select IMAX screens this Monday. The events were quickly booked up.
After a leak, the trailer was official unveiled today.
The Man of Steel (Henry Cavill) is a God or a Monster as we see in the shots and hear in the narration.
This is our first look at Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne and in a Batsuit built for a super-powered showdown!
Watch and enjoy:
Let’s discuss:
We hear Holly Hunter as an opponent of Superman in an unnamed role, Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth and one voice that must be Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor.
We’re scheduled to be in Monday’s IMAX screening here in Seattle. Snyder tweeted the screenings will have #AFewExtraShotsPlusALittleSwag.
What do you think of the teaser?
By Editor