The Dark Knight is complete and this summer it’s Superman’s turn to soar at the box office but this will be an amazing summer for Batman fans in comic book shops! DC Comics shared the covers and previews of July books including the second chapter of Batman Year Zero, Grant Morrison’s final issue of Batman Incorporated and meet more of Nightwing’s new rogues gallery.
Batman #22 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo.
“The second chapter of “Zero Year” delves into Bruce Wayne’s past with the Red Hood Gang and his run-ins with aspiring District Attorney Harvey Dent! And in the backup story, a secret moment from Bruce’s training abroad is revealed for the first time!” Look for a Director’s Cut reprint later in the month
Batman Annual #2 by Snyder and Aaron Lopresti
“A special ZERO YEAR tie-in! Bruce Wayne’s first year as the Dark Knight has just barely begun…and already dangerous elements are coalescing, leading Bruce toward his final destiny.”
Talon #10 by James Tynion IV and Miguel Sepulveda
Can Calvin escape Santa Prisca, the most dangerous island on the planet? Or will he fall at the hands of its ruler, Bane?
Batman Incorporated #13 by Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham
In what’s being called Morrison’s final monthly title “Batman saves the world and loses everything.” Later this year Morrison will unveil Multiversity – a limited series introducing the Multiverse into The New 52.
Batman and Catwoman #22 Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason
The book formerly called Batman and Robin continues with rotating guest stars from the Gotham City family and this month it’s Selina Kyle’s turn as “Bruce Wayne continues to grind through his grief over the death of Damian—but is Catwoman here to help Batman or take advantage of his vulnerable state?”
Detective Comics Annual #2 by John Layman, Scot Eaton and Jaime Mendoza.
“It’s a terrible, dangerous time to be a cop in Gotham City. At a time when police are being targeted for assassination, Gotham’s Finest also face a threat from within, as a shape-changing identity thief has infiltrated the GCPD and threatens to destroy it from within. Will he unravel the mystery behind this secretive killer before he loses any more of the few allies he has left on the force?
Detective Comics #22 by John Layman and Jason Fabok (backup story art by Andy Clarke)
“Meet The Wrath! In Gotham City, he’s the anti-Batman, and the body count is about to shoot through the roof! And in the backup story, Man-Bat makes a startling discovery!”
This issue is also offered as a combo pack edition with a redemption code for a digital download of this issue.
Batman: The Dark Knight #22 by Gregg Hurwitz and Alex Maleev
Picking up from recent issues of BATMAN, the origin of Clayface is revealed—and a new mystery is introduced!
Batgirl #22 by Gail Simone and Fernando Pasarin
“Following the recent massive trauma she’s suffered, Barbara Gordon tries to move on with her life—without Batgirl!”
Batwoman #22 by J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman and Trevor McCarthy
“Batwoman discovers that the D.E.O. are bringing in Gotham City’s most dangerous villains for questioning. Their real target? Batman! Plus, Hawkfire continues to plan a strike against the D.E.O.”
Nightwing #22 by Kyle Higgins and Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund.
Nightwing takes on Ghostwalker, and the Prankster finds a surprising ally!
Check out the covers for some of the books coming in July:

Look for these Batman family books and more coming this July.
By Editor