Gone Girl readers say Ben Affleck was perfect casting for the film based on the book.
Batman readers? Not everyone is convinced…yet.
Producer Charles Roven says Affleck was “the first guy we went to” to play Bruce Wayne and the Dark Knight in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. in a new interview in The Hollywood Reporter:
“We knew that we wanted a very mature Batman, because we wanted to juxtapose him with this very young Superman. So we wanted a guy, who was tougher, rugged, who had signs of life, who had lived a hard life, and we wanted the guy to have chops for sure. So when we went down that list, there just weren’t a tremendous number of guys who could carry that.”
Roven says the actor’s height was a factor to present their vision of the DC icons:
“We also wanted a guy with big stature. Ben is 6′ 4″. Henry [Cavill] is a 6’1″. We wanted Batman to tower over Superman. Not hugely, not like a basketball player. Superman needed to ‘look up’ to Batman. We wanted that dynamic and Ben could do that, easily,” he said.
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice flies into cinemas in 2016.