Attack on Wayne Manor. Night of the Owls begins in Batman #8. First one, then another, then waves of relentless Talons invade Bruce Wayne’s refuge. Like a creepy hybrid of Aliens and (fast) Zombies from the Dawn of the Dead remake, the assassins keep attacking.
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo create a tension filled masterpiece with this issue as those owl eyes appear and Bruce must fight his way through a relentless series of attacks by the ruthless killers Alfred’s brief moment of glory against the invaders is short-lived as he discovers the horrible truth of what’s in store for Gotham City.

Nightwing #8 picks up the action as more Talons target Gotham City and Batman’s allies try to stop assassinations. Kyle Higgins and Eddy Barrows take the ball (or maybe the blade would be a better choice for this story) and run with two stories. One in Gotham’s past and one in the present as Dick Grayson endures brutal, bloody showdown with a Talon tied to Dick’s haunted family history.
Night of the Owls is off to a thrilling start. This crossover may be the cure of event fagitue!
By Editor