Batman has seen the future. It’s hell. The Joker’s final gag on Gotham City is the last laugh from another Bat villain.
This week’s Batman Incorporated #5 is the most disturbing and relentless chapter of Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham’s epic war between Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul for control of their son.
Bruce Wayne declares that Damian can no longer be the new Robin. In this chapter Morrison takes us back into the twisted future he created in Batman #666. In this nightmarish world Damian is Batman, Gotham City is plagued by Jokerized zombies and the last hope lies inside Arkham Asylum.
Chris Burnham delivers every dark, gritty, gruesome scene of a badass Batman and Gotham gone insane that Morrison conjures up. The issue is packed with action, some very disturbing acts and a cliffhanger that thrills your heart and breaks it.
By Editor