I’m still reeling from Batman Incorporated #1 by Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham. The New 52 Second Wave relaunch stars Bruce and Damian Wayne and the global franchising of Batman. This series a family dynamic from hell. Leviathan is a sinister cabal ready to strike at the New Bat World Order. And the head of the evil organization is Damian’s murderous mama, Talia Al Ghul.
DC Comics revealed this stunning variant for #2 by Cameron Stewart featuring the daughter of Ra’s Al Ghul.
Fans have speculated Marion Cotillard will be revealed as Talia in The Dark Knight Rises. If so, it’s the best kept secret so far. We know Liam Neeson is reprising his role as Ra’s Al Ghul – at least in flashback – in Christopher Nolan’s final Batman film.
But Talia is definitely back in this comic book!
By Editor