Batman Inc Back in Business

Batman Incorporated #1 by Chris Burnham courtesy DC Comics

  Batman Inc ended with a grisly cliffhanger inspiring an “oh —-!” explicative from myself.

  This week Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham relaunch the series as part of DC Comics The New 52 Second Wave. Batman and Robin face a new assassin code named Goatboy and Leviathan’s sinister mission. This title doesn’t exactly fit with continuity but with Grant Morrison at the helm you just go with it.

  If you’re new to Batman Incorporated the concept is that Bruce Wayne created Batmen around the world – a franchising of Batman if you will. Leviathan is a global organization fighting the Batmen. One of the most popular franchises was the “Batman of Africa” now in his own title Batwing.

  Chris Burnham was at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle this year. I came by the DC Comics booth at the right time because Burnham was creating sketches for lucky fans. I asked for Batgirl. Chris was cool enough to ask which one. I’m a Barbara fan but I should have remembered how Stephanie Brown was a key figure in the first volume Batman Inc.

Batman Incorporated art by Chris Burnham courtesy DC Comics

  Morrison and Burnham’s reunion is definitely a must buy for me! The pre New 52 volume is collected in a hardcover. Here’s a link if you want to get caught up.

 Chris Burnham is just one of Morrison’s frequent collaborators who will appear at Morrisoncon this year – Morrison’s reinventon of the comic book convention.

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