Bluebird in action!
The Spoiler’s showdown!
A major week for the next generation of the Batman family.
In this preview of Batman Eternal #42 courtesy DC Comics.
Stephanie Brown finally confronts her mother! Why were her parents trying to kill her? Can Stephanie trust her mother now?
And the moment fans been waiting for:
Harper Row as Bluebird in her gear and ready to fight with the Dark Knight, “though this story may not have a happy ending.”
In Batman #28 – we saw a look into the future of the Dark Knight and Bluebird confronting Selina Kyle over the fate of The Spoiler.
Now we see the fan-favorite teen suit up and hit the streets of Gotham City as the newest costumed hero.
Batman Eternal #42 written by Kyle Higgins and illustrated by Jed Dougherty, Goran Sudzuka & Roger Robinson hits shelves this Wednesday.

By Editor