The last chapter of this week’s Death of the Family reveals the Joker’s final shocker! Will a member of Bruce’s alliance die? Will the Batman family be torn apart? While Batman Inc is not directly tied to Death of the Family could the death we’ve been expecting be due to Bruce and Talia’s blood feud and not the Joker’s maniacal manipulations?
Here’s what we know from the DC Comics first look at the Batman family of titles and why Robin’s wings may be clipped!
Bruce and Talia have been at war over the fate of their son. Is Batman Incorporated #11 the fallout from Damian’s demise? As Grant Morrison builds towards his final issue, will Damian go out in a blaze or glory? To borrow a phrase “I brought you into this world. And I’ll take you out!” could Morrison kill off the son he created back on his Batman run?

The evidence doesn’t look good because in Batman and Robin #20 the Red Hood may be the only one to keep Bruce from insanity after the events of the issue above!
In Batman #20 a stranger comes to Gotham City “when tragedy delivers the team-up you’ve been asking for since the start of The New 52.”

In Nightwing #20 Dick is reunited with someone who’s returned from the grave. In Batgirl #20 Barbara takes on the Ventriloquist. Catwoman just joined Justice League of America. If those members of the Batman family survive then who dies?
The evidence makes me suspect Damian will not survive? Could Scott Snyder and Grant Morrison have been plotting the death of another Robin all this time?
By Editor