The Night of the Owls is set to begin this month as the Court of Owls unleash an army of Talons on Batman, his allies and Gotham City. DC Comics is already teasing the final chapter with the July solicits for the the Batman family of titles.

This is cover of Batman #11 which DC calls the “stunning conclusion to the Court of Owls epic.”
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have created a modern classic. It’s unlike any Batman story I’ve ever experienced. Issue #5 alone was a breakthrough in comic book storytelling. I can’t wait for this crossover.
Meeting Capullo at Emerald City Comicon recently was one of my top highlights. I got to ask him about the process of creating looks for so many Talons from different eras. Every Capullo cover is a haunting pop art masterpiece and this latest cover is a perfect addition to his gallery.
by Editor