Bombs and Bruce Banner don’t have the best history!
After the cosmic war Infinity, Dr. Banner plans to build a bomb with more devastating power than the Hulk!
In Indestructible Hulk #16 – Mark Waid and new artist Mahmud Asrar launch Banner and his alter ego into Inhumanity. Because I love the new Hulk book and the Inhumans I wanted to share part of Waid’s new Marvel.com interview:
“Thanks to the events of Inhumanity, something noxious this way comes,” says Waid, “There’s something drifting over from where [the Inhuman capital] Attilan used to be, over toward more populated areas. The world’s greatest scientists—the Reed Richards, the Tony Starks and so forth—bow to Bruce Banner and his expertise. No one knows more about weird radiation that can turn you into a monster than Bruce Banner does.”
Enter Banner – super scientist for S.H.I.E.L.D. as Earth’s first line of defense:
“The problem is that this isn’t something you can punch,” Waid adds. “This is more of a problem for Banner and his assistants than for the Hulk. Obviously the Hulk manages to elbow his way into every conflict anyway, and that will happen here.”
The upcoming arc will be a rematch (of sorts) for Hulk and the Inhumans while playing on Waid’s foundation of the smash hit reboot of Banner and Hulk:

“One of my fondest memories of the Hulk is that first Incredible Hulk Annual where he met the Inhumans,” says Waid. “He’s one of the first, if not the first Marvel hero outside the Fantastic Four to ever deal with the Inhumans. There’s a long history there. I want to play with that. There’s also beauty in the fact that certain Inhumans have powers weirdly complimentary to Hulk’s. To some degree they’re like scalpels to Hulk’s jackhammer approach, but I can’t imagine a conflict between these factions would go well for either side.
“The whole ethos of this run has been ‘Hulk destroys; Banner builds.’ That paradigm is reversed here. Banner is building a bomb. But remember: This, in a way, is Banner’s chance to redeem himself for the gamma bomb he built all those years ago that created the Hulk and caused all this destruction. It’s really an interesting internal conflict in the Marvel Universe and everyone turns to Banner for a solution. His solution is, ‘Okay, I’m going to build a bomb.’ That’s not what you want to hear out of Bruce Banner, but there’s a method to his madness and a redemptive method to this madness.”
For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.
Indestructible Hulk #16 smashes into shops in November.
Matt Fraction is writing Inhumanity and a new Inhuman series coming in 2014.
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