These ideas have been running in my head and really come to the forefront after reading AvX #1 so I want to share them. These are not facts just my thoughts about the future of this series and the Marvel universe.
– The Phoenix Force created the mutant gene in humanity. They’re not Children of the Atom after all.
– Cyclops has been under the influence of The Void.
– The Sentry/Void will return to challenge the Phoenix Force.
– Professor X will take back leadership of mutantkind.
– Namor’s allegiance to the X-Men will be severed in AvX.
– Emma Frost knows in her heart Cyclops is wrong and believes Hope is a threat but she will not betray him. I think Emma will pay a terrible price as a result of AvX.
– Hope is not Jean Grey reincarnated. I think Hope may be connected to Madelyn Pryor somehow and this ties into Matt Fraction’s Sisterhood story during his Uncanny run. Which means Sinister is involved.
– Hope and the Five Lights are manifestations come to life like when Scarlet Witch created her sons.
– Jean Grey will not return in physical form but she will appear to Emma Frost from the White Hot Room.
By Editor