Avengers vs. X-Men #9 is a dramatic, action packed epic with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes on the run, heroes switching sides, chilling hints of what’s to come and….heart and humor?
The truth nature of the Phoenix Force is being revealed…and it’s scary as hell. But the true nature of a hero is what makes this issue a standout and a testament to why I love comic books. Jason Aaron successfully balances personal drama with big screen spectacle.
The Phoenix Four are more powerful than ever after last issue’s shocking battle. Tony Stark’s genius is stalled. Thor’s might is crushed. It’s hard for the remaining Avengers to be inspired by Captain America’s leadership. Who knew your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man could be a crucial factor in a cosmic level clash?
Peter Parker takes on the Phoenix fueled Colossus and Magik! Spidey sacrifices himself to save his fellow heroes. Peter takes a beating and uses his wit…and that may drive a wedge that may be lead to the final undoing of the Phoenix Four. Jason Aaron nails Peter Parker as the “everyman on the ground” in this epic conflict.

As that bloody battle plays out two of Marvel’s signature couples are being shattered. Black Panther and Storm stop fighting long enough to finally talk in the aftermath of the devastating battle in Wakanda but is may be too late. Emma Frost is trying to warn Cyclops about the danger from within but it maybe too late. Emma Frost may on the way to causing a cosmic carnage worse than the Dark Phoenix Saga. The seeds may be planted for an Avenging Emma and for the final act: there can be only one!
By Editor