This is a huge week for fans of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes by Jonathan Hickman. Avengers is his big team book starring your favorites and exiting new additions to the roster like Shang-Chi, Cannonball, Sunspot plus brand new versions of Captain Universe, Smasher and Hyperion. The action of the new series started on Mars with the introduction of three new aliens who wanted to transform Earth – even if it killed everyone already living on it – and now the threat comes from a different universe – a New Universe!?!
You don’t need to know about Nightmask, Starbrand and Marvel’s short-lived line of comics from back in the day. Just know that Hickman has unleashed some thrilling new twists on these concepts and characters that not only threaten our heroes but could shake universes. This week’s Avengers #8 picks up right after the birth of a new hero who may be just as dangerous as the cosmic forces threatening the planet.
Marvel promises this issue will hint at the connections between Avengers and New Avengers – which stars a brand new version of the Illuminati. Black Panther assembled Marvel’s biggest brains including Reed Richards, Tony Stark and Namor working in secret. Our world is the center of colliding universes. The super group has been assembling the Infinity Gauntlet to stop it and in the last shocking issue turned on one of their own!
In this week’s New Avengers #4 the Illuminati’s quest to save the world may be threatened by the world eater! Galactus is looming!
Big action, big team, big concepts! Assemble at your comic book store this week to see what Jonathan Hickman is building towards in Avengers and New Avengers. Spectacular storytelling that thrills and plays with your head!
By Editor