It’s awesome yet a little scary to see Rogue cut loose and tap into a dark side of her power in X-Men Legacy #267. This AvX tie-in issue is a thrilling showdown between a squad of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and teachers at the Jean Grey School.
Rogue and Iron Man trade memories while trading punches. The Armored Avenger taunts Rogue about their last clash. Back in the classic Avengers Annual #10 Rogue was still a bad girl and took on the entire team at Avengers mansion at the direction of Mystique. It’s cool to see Rogue use a darker aspect of her power to kick She-Hulk and Iron Man’s arrogant a—-. For a longtime fan who knows the price Rogue paid for her past crimes seeing this is bittersweet.
I’ve been wondering when Kitty Pryde would join the fight and this issue Kitty’s quick action reveals an advantage that turns the tide in the fight. Rogue may have wanted to stay out of AvX but this battle has made her eager to take on more Avengers.
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