Avengers #25 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #25 courtesy Marvel

Marvel shared a preview of Avengers #25 as artist Salvador Larroca joins Jonathan Hickman on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! Cover by Mike Deodato.


After defeating the Builders and Thanos and the Black Order – the Avengers greatest new enemies are themselves!



If you read Avengers #24 you saw the ghost from the future who came to warn Tony Stark. Now it looks like heroes from the past are colliding with the present.


“After wrapping up INFINITY, Jonathan and I were pretty tired. Too tired to come up with anything new,” Executive Editor Tom Brevoort jokes with “That whole All-New X-Men thing with the X-Men from the past has been working out pretty well for Brian Bendis, so we thought we’d jump on the bandwagon. Hence, the All-New Avengers! Sounds like the sort of thing that we’d do, doesn’t it?”


Avengers #25 arrives January 22nd.


Which old-school Avenger would you like to see appear in this past meets present mashup?

Avengers #25 courtesy Marvel


Avengers #25 courtesy Marvel


Avengers #25 courtesy Marvel

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