The third trailer for Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron gave us our first look at Paul Bettany as Vision in the final moments.
Seeing a glimpse of this classic character made fanboys and girls go wild but non-comic readers who enjoy the movies (including my office neighbor) ask, “who’s the red face guy?”
In the continuing tradition that started with Avengers For Virgins, here’s what you need to know about this mystery man. This is the comics history but as we know Marvel movies don’t always follow comic canon.
Ultron is an artificial intelligence who becomes sentient. Hank Pym created him in comics. Tony Stark invented the program in the upcoming movie.
The evil A.I. created his own android who he called a “synthezoid” to infiltrate and destroy Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The android took the code-name Vision after Wasp described as a “vision” when she first saw him because of his ghost like powers.
Vision was fused with the brain patterns of the then dead Avenger Simon Williams (aka Wonder Man) and turned against his maker and joined the team. Vision would later fall in love with Scarlet Witch and they would have twin sons via her hex magic which weren’t real but maybe are? (It’s complicated between an android and a mutant witch!)
Vision (who often went by the human name Victor Shade) is a noble but tragic figure in the tradition of Data of Star Trek as an example.

What are the Vision’s powers:
Density control ranging from intangibility to invisibility, mass control, flight, solar energy projection, computer network interfacing, super strength, speed, reflexes and hyper senses.
Vision’s signature move we can’t wait to see:
Density attack! He can phase into solid beings or objects then become solid causing molecular disruption leading to pain or death in humans and destruction in walls or objects…like an Ultron unit for example!
The big twist we may see coming?
Paul Bettany is the voice of J.a.r.v.i.s. Tony Stark’s “butler” program seen in the Iron Man films so maybe Vision is an upgrade or an evolved Jarvis Tony uses to fight Ultron.
We’ll find out in Avengers: Age of Ultron on May 1.
Check out this amazing Vision cosplayer we saw at Emerald City Comicon 2014! He was ahead of this time!
By Editor