Avengers Versus X-Men Event Highlights

Avengers Versus X-Men courtesy Marvel.com

The Phoenix is coming. Marvel’s biggest teams are going to war. The men behind the event of 2012 took fan questions and delivered details and teases sure to generate excitement.

Marvel presented the Avengers Versus X-Men writing team (Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, Jason Aaron, Jonathan Hickman) along with X-Men Editor Nick Lowe and Avengers Editor Tom Brevoort. 

Here are some of the rapid fire highlights. My thoughts follow in italic:

“Wolverine and Storm have to redefine themselves in the Marvel Universe.” Bendis. This could be an opportunity to rethink their decisions after Schism which could be sever or mend their friendship with Cyclops.

“New armor for Iron Man with a specific foe in mind.” Fraction. Could this be a suit that can take a beating from the Juggernaut powered Colossus or a stab from Wolverine’s adamantium?

Thor gets up to come big time cosmic colossal shenanigans. Fraction. Now that Colossus is nearly God like thanks to Cytorrak, he could be a match for Thor.

“Cyclops is willing to make more sacrifices than Steve Rogers.” Brubaker.

“A new reader friendly take on the Phoenix.” Aaron.

X-Sanction starring Cable is a prelude and leads up to AVX. “Specific events Cable has come back in time to prevent are connected to AVX. It’s the opening shot of AVX.” Brevoort. Cable will do anything to protect his daughter Hope. This could be a clue that Hope is the target host for the Phoenix Force.

AVX #0 is in March. The Prelude is brand new material. Not a recap. Art by Frank Cho. Bendis.

Black Panther and Storm’s marriage. “Storm’s allegiance is very much split down the middle. Her choice will be heard very loudly. A big one for Storm.” Bendis. Storm is my all time favorite female hero. I have an ominous feeling Bendis could sacrifice her. There’s a reason she joined Avengers.

“Storm joining the Avengers was a separate decision” not predicated on AVX. Bendis

“The end of Avengers: Children’s Crusade will set up and calibrate how the X-Men, Avengers and the world feels about Scarlet Witch.” Yesterday I posted my thoughts on a Dark Phoenix Versus Scarlet Witch battle.

Professor X stayed out of Schism. “He can’t just stand on the sidelines.” Aaron. I immediately thought of the classic psi war between Charles and Jean in the Dark Phoenix saga. Can the greatest mutant mind – if Professor X still is – take on the Phoenix and win if needed? Charles has stayed out of Cyclops way but this conflict could lead to a showdown between the Professor and Scott.

How will SHIELD be involved?  “There’s an opportunity for a lot of players in Marvel universe to pick new allegiances” Bendis hinted there could be a “potential reinvention” of a law enforcement group like SHIELD.

Those are some of the highlights, more to come!


Will Power

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