Avengers: Rage of Ultron courtesy Marvel
Avengers: Rage of Ultron courtesy Marvel

The Marvel Avengers & X-Men: AXIS panel was packed with anxious fans at San Diego Comic Con but it was Ultron that stole the show. More on that surprise coming up!


In AXIS Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Children of the Atom unite against the power of the Red Skull armed with Professor Xavier’s mutant mind. The major event will come just after major status quo changes for three of Avenging icons: a new female Thor, Sam Wilson as the new Captain America and Tony Stark in new silver armor with a new mission and base of operations.


The panel was dominated early on by news of Sam Wilson (Falcon) becoming the new Sentinel of Liberty in All-New Captain America #1. Writer Rick Remender praised artist Stuart Immonen (All-New X-Men) and the team introduced a variant by Alex Ross.


“Equal parts Steve Rogers and Bruce Wayne, with a unique spin and perspective on America,” is how Remender described Wilson.


Characters from Winter Soldier: The Bitter March (by Remender) will play a role in AXIS and Editor Nick Lowe declared, “Hail Hydra” as the terrorist group will be back in a big way in All-New Captain America.


“We’re building up Hydra as you’ve never seen before,” said Remender.


Avengers: Rage of Ultron courtesy Marvel
Avengers: Rage of Ultron courtesy Marvel

The surprise announcement was Avengers: Rage of Ultron an original graphic novel in continuity by Remender and artist Jerome Opena. This marks a reunion for the team behind the first volume of Uncanny X-Force.


Remender calls it the “evolution of Ultron” with new characters introduced and ramifications for the comic universe including “Starfox is going to play a big role.”


Starfox is a former Avenger tied to controversy and comedy for his powers of seduction. Starfox’s real name is Eros but he has a connection to one of Marvel’s biggest cosmic villains. This Eternal is the brother of Thanos.


One panel from the upcoming novel showed the classic era Beast when Hank was an Avenger in the late 70’s and early 80’s.

Avengers: Rage of Ultron courtesy Marvel
Avengers: Rage of Ultron courtesy Marvel

Avengers: Rage of Ultron arrives April 2015 ahead of Avengers: Age of Ultron in theaters.


Back to the AXIS, the March to AXIS begins in Captain America #24 and Uncanny Avengers #24. Both storylines lead to big climax leading to AXIS #1. The event will be in 3 acts starting with Act One: The Red Supremacy.


As previously announced, Magneto will play a huge role and have a major battle with Red Skull. AXIS is born out of a conflict between the Red Skull, Scarlet Witch and Magneto. The Red Skull will need Scarlet Witch and Rogue for his plan.


“They have so many reasons to hate each other,” said Remender of the Red Skull/Magneto conflict.


As for more mutant extended families, Cyclops and Havok working together again and All-New X-Men will tie in to the story.


Avengers: Rage of Ultron courtesy Marvel
Avengers: Rage of Ultron courtesy Marvel

AXIS will include some character comebacks including the villain Plantman is and Remember said “it’s a priority to make the Vision the badass that he used to be.”

Daniel Acuna will reunite with Remender on Uncanny Avengers #25 with his redesigned Vision.


AXIS builds from Uncanny Avengers #1 but goes way back to the classic 90’s era X-Men storyline that revealed the darker side of Professor X caused by a merging of the minds with Magneto.


Remender said Red Skull stealing Charles Xavier’s brain is what led to the creation of the Red Onslaught.


“Onslaught is one of the very few villains both important to the Avengers and X-Men,” noted editor Jordan White.


Remender told fans he’s focused on a balance of the A and the X as he writes the event.

There are big ramifications for Iron Man and the return of a major X-villain in AXIS.

AXIS: Carnage, Hobgoblin, Revolutions will be three tie-in series. AXIS #1 begins in October. Marvel teased X-Men news in the Cup O’Joe panel tomorrow. You can pre-order Avengers: Rage of Ultron here.

By Editor