Marvel unveiled a powerhouse new trailer for AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR.
Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, The Guardians of the Galaxy, the forces of Wakanda and refugees of Asgard rally together against a villain who’s been a shadowy manipulator since the first Avengers film.

The big bad guy is heading to Earth. Thanos strikes in the cosmic showdown. Will a hero fall?
Watch the trailer and read on for the breakdown.
Gamora reveals her father’s ominous end game: get all the Infinity Stones, assemble them on the Infinity Gauntlet and wipe out half the population of the universe with “the snap of his finger.”
Comic book readers know the villain’s plot is inspired by the classic “Infinity Gauntlet” epic by writer Jim Starlin and artists George Perez and Ron Lim. Gamora’s revelation to Tony Stark is right out of the comic – and it’s chilling.
Thanos is obsessed with Death, who is an actual entity in Marvel Comics. The Mad God of Titan’s plot is the ultimate act for the Mistress he serves.
Who are the new faces in the action? Ebony Maw is torturing Doctor Strange. Maw is a member of The Black Order aka The Cull Obsidian – a squad of evil alien beings who serve as the shock troops of Thanos. Comics readers may recall Maw defeated and tortured Strange in the AVENGERS INFINITY arc by Jonathan Hickman who co-created the Black Order.
Loki is seen with The Black Order. Thor’s brother lead an invasion of Earth by the Chitauri on behalf of an mysterious enforcer working for Thanos. Is the trickster allied with the Mad God or is a cosmic triple cross in the works?
Who’s in the red cape? It could be Thor but could the mystery figure be Adam Warlock? The artificial being was created by scientists to fight Thanos. Warlock is a central figure in the “Infinity Gauntlet” comics arc. You may recall in the post-credits scene from GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, VOLUME 2, the leader of the gold-skinned Sovereign vowed to create a warrior to hunt and kill the Guardians, and Ayesha claimed she would call him “Adam.”
We’ve seen the Infinity Stones in several Marvel films but one final Stone is still out there: where is the Soul Stone? In Wakanda? With Warlock? With a hero, villain or cosmic entity we’ll meet in Phase Four?
One more possibility. In the INFINITY arc by Hickman referenced above, Thanos came to Earth for another reason: to find and kill his son Thane who was living among a secret tribe of Inhumans.
The biggest burning questions: Will Cap, Tony, Thor or another hero die? Will Thanos succeed in wiping out half the universe in what could be a massive cliffhanger until AVENGERS 4?
AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR opens April 27th. Tickets are available now.
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