Earth’s Mightiest Heroes unite in an original graphic novel by legendary writer Warren Ellis and artist Mike McKone this October. Wolverine and Captain Marvel will join the “cinematic” Captain America, Iron Man, Thor and Black Widow in a brand new, stand-alone novel. Marvel shared a first look at McKone’s art while Ellis and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort talked about the origin of this exciting new adventure: Avengers: Endless Wartime.
“The gist of Avengers: Endless Wartime in the broadest sense is that a mysterious threat tied not only to a tech company providing hostile weapons but also to experiences Captain America and Thor had in their histories is rising in Slorenia. This draws the Avengers into a feature-length, movie-style adventure with action, super science and more,” says Tom Brevoort.
“You can’t make this up as you go along, unfortunately. It’s a structural thing. You really need to know all your beats and how it wraps before it starts. Particularly here, there’s a hard page count where I can’t go over. With an ongoing book, you can always save that scene for the next issue. There’s no faking it here. You get it right or you don’t,” says Warren Ellis, “My ‘in’ to the story was drones. I’ve been tangentially associated with the discussion of drones in the last year or so. It’s been on my mind.”

Despite the box office success of The Avengers – Ellis is making this story reader friendly to anyone and adding the popular cast.
“Obviously with the Avengers film, these characters have a much bigger awareness than they did a few years ago, but you can never assume the reader knows them. I also brought in a few characters not in the movie for balance and my own amusement,” teases Ellis.
For the entire liveblog here’s the Marvel.com link.
Keep scrolling for more images from the graphic novel.

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