The end is here. The trailer is here. Marvel shared the title, poster and first trailer for the next chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The fourth Avengers film is…

AVENGERS: ENDGAME picks up after the cosmic cliffhanger that saw Thanos win by wiping out half the population of the universe including many favorite heroes.
Watch and come back for the breakdown:
The Marvel Cinematic Universe started in 2008.
A decade later Tony Stark is lost in space. Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Bruce Banner are in mourning on Earth.
Here are the big moments and questions:
Tony Stark lost in space? Tony was last seen on Titan after a brutal battle with the Mad God then watching Peter Parker fade to dust. How did he end up in the spaceship?
Hawkeye! Black Widow sees a mysterious hooded figure after a sword battle. The hood comes off and it’s Clint Barton. Hawkeye was MIA in INFINITY WAR. Readers of the NEW AVENGERS era will recognize Clint’s new movie look is from his time as Ronin. In the NEW AVENGERS comic run, Barton was undercover as Ronin investigating the Japanese underworld.
Ant-Man? Scott Lang trapped in the Quantum Realm so why is here knocking on the Avengers HQ door?
Shuri? Black Panther’s genius little sister is listed among the missing. In the comics Shuri took over as the Black Panther. With T’Challa a victim of the snap, did she survive to take the throne or will she undercover using her intellect to find a way to reverse what happened?
Captain Marvel – the cosmic hero’s adventure set in the 90’s will debut in March and will somehow tie into ENDGAME since Nick Fury signaled the hero in the post credit scene of INFINTY WAR. How will Carol Danvers join up with the remaining Avengers?
Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Black Panther are among those who vanished in the “snap” but how will they return?
Who is the villain? Thanos won. Will the Mad God of Titan return (from his retirement and farming) to make sure the heroes don’t undo his horrific act or will a new enemy rise up in ENDGAME?
AVENGERS: ENDGAME arrives April 26, 2019.
By Editor