New Avengers #8 is the final Prelude to Infinity with a cliffhanger that warps right into next month’s big event! But before I get ahead of myself here’s why this book rocks.
Inhumans – I love ’em. There’s an Inhumanity event coming and brand new series by Matt Fraction in 2014 but the Inhumans are front and center in the coming war with Thanos.
The silent Black Bolt finally gets to speak and the revelation with his beloved queen ends with the noise of a painful slap as the King confesses to Medusa. Mike Deodato and Frank Martin’s art on these scenes are spectacular and poignant.
While Tony and Reed use their brilliant minds to save Earth from incursions, Namor and Black Panther use their brilliant minds to engage in a Marvel version of Game of Thrones. War between Atlantis and Wakanda escalates while the two monarchs engage in plots and counterplots that would impress the Great House of Frank Herbert’s Dune series.
Jonathan Hickman weaves science fiction, super heroics and political strategies as slowly builds to a stunning wave of reveals that sets the stage for war! We get a look at the brand new alien enemies willing to tear Earth apart in the name of Thanos.
If this issue doesn’t get you excited for Infinity then…well you have read it yet!
By Editor