A new creative team launches an amazing race between the biggest brains in the Marvel Universe in this week’s Avengers Assemble #9!
Writer Kelly Sue DeConnick (Captain Marvel) and Artist Stefano Caselli welcome Spider-Woman and the new Captain Marvel are joining up too. Bruce Banner and Tony Stark will form two teams in a race to find a missing scientist.
DeConnick and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort talked with Marvel.com about new members and tone of the movie-friendly title.
“These are the AC/DC Avengers. When I saw the movie, I managed to keep in together until Iron Man came onscreen and Back in Black blared. I bounced up and down in my chair. That’s the moment I’m writing for,” Kelly Sue DeConnick said.
“These will be tight ‘get in, get out’ adventures, focused mostly on the classic, ‘public’ Avengers from the movie, drawing in other characters as it demands. Big impact.” – Tom Brevoort added.
The inclusion of Spider-Woman on the teaser image sparked excitement for a bigger role…movie role…for Jessica in the Avengers sequel.
“I really really like Jessica Drew. I like how crazy and broken she is. She’s a character I really wanted to write,” DeConnick revealed.
“I don’t ever want to be in direct competition with Brian Michael Bendis. I might be able to beat him up, that’s possible. We’re different writers with different takes. We do have a similar sense of humor and love for banter-y dialogue. I have been a fan of Brian’s for many years long before I knew him. But I’m writing my Avengers book,” DeConnick said of following Bendis.
“The first arc is kind of an Amazing Race thing where the Avengers are teaming up and competing with each other. Spider-Woman is with Hulk and Thor with Iron Man,” DeConnick said of her initial story.
DeConnick just relaunched Ms. Marvel as the new Captain Marvel and now becomes the first female writer on an Avengers title.
“I’m very interested in making sure women knowing that wanting to work in this industry is not peculiar. There is not anything in heroism or sci-fi that is exclusively masculine. The hero ideal is as important to my daughter as it is to my son. But I don’t want to represent all women in comics…particularly because I blow things sometimes!” DeConnick said.
“If Cap or Thor or Hulk are there, you can have Quasar or Machine Man or Triathlon standing next to them in context. They may not be in the movies now, but wait until Avengers 9!” – Tom Brevoort said of upcoming guest stars.
For the entire livelog here’s the Marvel.com link.
Could this be a sign that Spider-Woman may join the lineup in the Avengers 2 sequel or series being developed by Joss Whedon?
Editor in Chief Axel Alonso did say Spider-Woman will remain part of the Avengers and may turn up in Avengers Assemble. And this fuels my hope that Mila Kunis play Jessica Drew on the big screen!
By Editor