Comic Book geek, lover, writer!

Comic Book geek, lover, writer!

New James Bond Skyfall Photos

Skyfall set photo courtesy Empire

  Skyfall is moving into the final weeks of production. Empire Online shares photos from their upcoming issue featuring a set visit to the set of the next James Bond film.


Skyfall photo courtesy Empire

Daniel Craig is in dangerous and debonair form.

Skyfall photo courtesy Empire

“Visually we’re in very safe hands because Roger Deakins is shooting this movie, which is just phenomenal,” said Daniel Craig tole Empire. “It has a classic feel to it. I won’t lie to you: we’ve tried to sort of bring some of the feelings of older Bond movies into this film — but this is a modern movie.”

Skyfall photo courtesy Empire

  This Geek’s Opinion: I was thrilled when Naomie Harris joined the cast as an MI6 agent named Eve. I’ve been a big fan of her work since 28 Days Later.

Skyfall photo courtesy Empire

  Berenice Marlohe plays a mystery woman named Severine. She continues the tradition of French actresses as Bond girls

Skyfall photo courtesy Empire

  This is the first time we’ve seen Oscar Winner Ralph Fiennes from the film. He’s taking aim. Fans speculate Fiennes is playing a rogue MI6 agent or an even more elaborate theory is that he will take over for Dame Judi Dench as M.

Skyfall photo courtesy Empire

  For more photos and the story here’s the link to Empire Online.

James Bond will return…

By Editor

Spider-Men Revealed

Spider-Men by Jim Cheung courtesy

  Marvel reveals the Spider-Men mystery: Peter Parker will meet Miles Morales this Summer. Two Spider-Men from different realities meet this June in a new 5 part series from Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli and cover artist Jim Cheung.

  “This year is the 50th anniversary of Spider-Man and we’re so happy that the stars aligned for us to tell a Spider-Man story that nobody has ever seen before,” said Bendis. “It’s an honor and a privilege to present both this story and these characters to fans on such an auspicious occasion. The work Sara has done on SPIDER-MEN is a step above the already high standard that she has set for herself on our ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN series. For me, this is a celebration of the best character in mainstream comics and some of the best art mainstream comics has to offer.”

For the entire interview here’s the link.

Mark Ruffalo On His HULK Approach and Solo Movie


Marvel's Avengers The Hulk courtesy Marvel Studios

  Mark Ruffalo plays Dr. Bruce Banner and the Hulk in Marvel’s The Avengers. The actor talked with IGN Movies about his approach to playing the heroic monster and Banner’s state when the action picks up in the movie.

  “Yeah, it’s hard to watch a movie with a guy who doesn’t want to be there. I think Banner’s aging and living with this thing since — now it’s been two years since his last “one.” We’re kind of going for this world weariness of accepting — trying to get to the point where he can live with it, and maybe master it. Come to peace with it. And so there’s this kind of nice ironic wryness to Banner. He’s not sulking and miserable, you know. I think that’s sort of a throwback — we had talked about it being a throwback to Bill Bixby, which was the Banner that I grew up on basically. He had kind of a charm about him, and this world weariness. He was on the run, but he was still able to flirt sometimes and smile sometimes, and occasionally he’d crack a joke. When you have a movie where there’s so many characters you end up getting about 10 minutes screen time with your particular character. So in the screen time that we have we’re trying to bring out this charm in him, and maybe this idea that he wants to be a superhero. I mean, he looks at Stark and he’s like, “That’s the dude who did what I was intending to do. He’s the model. He made it work.” So Banner and Stark have a very cool relationship in the movie. ”

Marvel's The Avengers courtesy

  When asked about a Hulk solo movie:

 “Why not! It was the one character — you know, I was a comic book fan when I was a kid and I always loved the Hulk. When The Incredible Hulk, that show, came on, I would not miss that. And so if I was going to find myself in that world, this would be the guy that I would be most interested in doing. To make a very short answer long: Yeah, I’d love to have him do his own movie.”

  Ruffalo confirmed his Hulk will talk in The Avengers.

  For the complete interview here’s the IGN link.

This Geek’s Opinion: I love that influence of Bill Bixby. The Incredible Hulk was a can’t miss show for me as a kid. It’s has one of the best theme songs ever. As for a Hulk solo movie? I would love to see Marvel to get inspiration from Peter David’s long run on The Incredible Hulk. I loved when Banner and Hulk were merged and he was part of the Pantheon. I could see a Hulk-led Pantheon vs. SHIELD epic. Here’s a link to one of the many Peter David Incredible Hulk visionaries collections if you want an idea of the story.


AvX Before the War

Uncanny X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

  Avengers Vs. X-Men #1 is out. War is declared. This week sees the final X-Men/Avengers team-up before the conflict in this week’s Uncanny X-Men #10.

  I sure hope the X-Men survive AvX so they can face Unit again. In last issue, the android triggered a prison break and unleashed an arm of escape alien criminals on earth. Writer Kieron Gillen calls Unit a cross “between C3PO and Hannibal Lecter.”

He’s created what I think could be the next great X foe in their extensive gallery of enemies. I think of him as the possible Ultron for the X-Men.

uncanny X-Men #9 interior art of UNIT courtesy Marvel

“Equivalent of Chest Bursting Scene” in Prometheus

image courtesy 20th Century Fox

  Director Ridley Scott astonished critics in London with a preview of Prometheus and a tease that will be sending fanboys like me geeking out.

  Scott teases that Prometheus does have indeed have “the equivalent of Alien‘s famous chest-bursting scene,” according to the NY Daily News.

 For the entire story here’s the NY Daily News link.

Rachel Nichols at Fan Expo Vancouver

She was “Scarlett” in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra and Green as a Orion who hooks up with Chris Pine’s Kirk in Star Trek. Rachel Nichols has just been added to Fan Expo Vancouver, the city’s first major comicon. Nichols appears on Continuum and I remember loving her as a rookie spy on the final season of Alias.


Company Man TED Viral Video in “Prometheus”

Prometheus still of Noomi Rapace courtesy 20th Century Fox

  The chilling TED viral video starring Guy Pearce as Peter Weyland burned up the internet revealing the connection between Alien and Prometheus. The video was not just brilliant viral marketing, you’ll see it on the big screen.

  “You’ve seen everything you’re going to see out of [the TED Talk], but there were some sections of the speech that were trimmed out, just for economics,” Pearce told MTV News about shooting the viral video. “But there are other viral videos that are going to come out that involve the other characters from the film, with Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender. Mine was just the entrée to bigger and better things.”

  Pearce talked about feeling the pressure while playing the character that connects the films.

  “To a certain extent I’m feeling it more and more now! Every time I do an interview, and someone goes, ‘Sooo… Peter Weyland!’ And I go, ‘Oh god!'” he laughed. “Yeah, there’s a bit of pressure. But look, you’re standing there in front of Ridley, and you’re offering up whatever you can offer up. If it’s not right, Ridley would say. So I just have to trust Mr. Scott there.”

 For the entire interview here’s the MTV News link.

By Editor

Last Run on X-Men

X-Men #28 courtesy

  Victor Gischler is wrapping up his X-Men with guest stars galore and a blast from Marvel events past. (Adjectiveless) X-Men relaunched with a new one under Gischler as he threw armies of vampires, robots and aliens at the mutants. He significantly transformed Jubilee and revamped Marvel’s vampire underworld.

  The novelist and departing X-writer talked with about how the series and cast have grown.

  “I think the book has fulfilled its mission to be the X-book that engages more with the Marvel Universe, but it’s also helped expand Marvel Universe vampire lore and given Jubilee a new lease on life—undead life. There are a good number of X-books, but there are also a lot of X-Men and one of the things that’s been nice about the changing team is to give characters some face time we might not otherwise see too much of. I know a number of readers have also expressed their pleasure in seeing Storm in a leadership role again, and it was this book that really got that going.”


X-Men #29 courtesy

For the entire interview and more images here’s the link.

 From the preview art, expect the FF, Skrulls, and Pixie back on the front burner in this final arc. The cover of X-Men #29 is a splash page summary of Gischler’s run featuring nearly all the characters he’s used in his stories.

Brian Wood takes over the title next with Storm still on board at team leader. I will be sorry to see Warpath leave – I hope he will find a home on one of the other X-books.

 By Editor