Comic Book geek, lover, writer!

Comic Book geek, lover, writer!

Astonishing X-Men Flashback

Astonishing X-Men #50 courtesy Marvel

  This takes me back! John Cassaday provides a variant for Astonishing X-Men #50 out this June. This is an homage to his astonishing X-Men #1. This upcoming landmark issue by Marjorie Liu will feature an X-Men wedding but this cover celebrates the Joss Whedon/John Cassady era.     Marvel provided this peek to Comic Book Resources. I wanted to share because it brings back memories of that excellent run: Colossus back from the dead, Colossus and Kitty finally hooking up, Emma Frost’s Hellfire Club, Breakworld, Armor and Danger.

Jessica Chastain in Iron Man 3?


Iron Man courtesy

  Jessica Chastain (The Help, The Tree of Life, The Debt) is back in talks to join the cast of Iron Man 3 according to Deadline. The site reports her busy schedule kept her out of running and now allows for talks to resume. The Oscar nominee would play Dr. Maya Hansen, a scientist who will match wits with Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark.  The film is said to be based on Iron Man Extremis.

Guy Pearce (Prometheus) is in talks to join the cast as Dr. Aldrich Killian, inventor of the Extremis nanotechnology. Ben Kingsley is said to be the main villain.

Top 5 Picks 4/25/12

AvX: Vs #1 courtesy

AVX: VS #1 Iron Man against Magneto! Thing slugs it out with Namor! The biggest brawls that erupted in Avengers Vs. X-Men explode into this series with all fighting, all action.

Mass Effect: Homeworlds #1 This premier issue is devoted to young gun James Vega written by the lead writer of Mass Effect 3.

New Avengers #25 It was tease that made me say “say what!” How does Marvel’s martial arts master tie to the most destructive force in the cosmos?  Iron Fist discovers his connection to the Phoenix in this tie-in to AvX. What does it mean for Hope the mutant messiah?

Popeye #1 Yes, Popeye the sailor man is back with his first original  story in 30 years! A new take on the classic character.

Star Wars: Blood Ties: Boba Fett Is Dead #1 The galaxy’s most notorious bounty hunter is dead. Words spreads across the sectors faster than the Millennium Falcon on light speed! But then the crew that killed him starts getting taken out!


Fan Expo Vancouver Creators!

Tony Daniel of Detective Comics at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

Fan Expo Vancouver brought top comic book creators to meet fans at their first major con! I was thrilled to meet, interview and share a moment with some of the best in the business! Stay tuned for extended interviews.

Whilce Portacio at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Kaare Andrews at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by
Kaare Andrews Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Kathryn Immonen at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Stuart Immomen at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Mike Choi at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Mike Choi at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Esad Ribic at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Len Wein at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by



Fan Expo Vancouver Day 2 Costume Parade

Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

Thanks again for all the amazing fans who showed off their geek love at Fan Expo Vancouver!

Who You Gonna Call? Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


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Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Deadpool cutting me off! Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by
 Thanks for the great costumes, poses and for checking out my site – hope you will follow ComicsBlend on Facebook.

Fan Expo Vancouver Day 1 Costume Parade

Vancouver celebrated their first major comicon! Fan Expo Vancouver wecomed thousands of comic book, anime, sci fi and videogame super fans! Here are some of the fun costumed fans I captured:

Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

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Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

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Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend.comFan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver – A Seattle Geek Odyssey

Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

  This Seattle Geek headed north for Fan Expo Vancouver, the city’s first major comicon. Thousands of fans celebrated the days of comics, sci-fi, stars and costumes. Vancouver’s Convention Center on the waterfront with snow capped mountain backdrop would have been a perfect location for a Thor sequel. Plenty of Thunder Gods were on site for the fun.


Batmobile at Fan Expo Vancouver photo by

  Adam West and Burt Ward (TV’s Batman & Robin) inspired the biggest lines for autographs and photos. I met Ward at a Chevy dealership event in my hometown when I was a little kid. The original Batmobile was in the center of the showroom floor like a geek beacon – a bat signal seducing fans to come grab a photo opportunity!

Lou Ferrigno at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

  Kevin (Hercules) Sorbo, Lou (The Incredible Hulk) Ferrigno, Marina Sirtus and Michael Dorn of Star Trek: The Next Generation were draws huge draws. Eager geeks waited patiently for their moment to approach their favorite, gush and come away with an autograph. Sirtis and Dorn will join the rest of cast in Fan Expo Calgary this weekend. It will be the first time the entire main cast has reunited in 25 years.

  I love True Blood. I couldn’t resist a chance to chat with Kristin Bauer who plays the vampire Pam on the hit HBO series. We talked about the upcoming season, return of Russell Edgington, vampire politics and she teased that the show will reveal more of her character’s back story with Eric (Alexander Skarsgard.)

Kristin Bauer of True Blood at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

  One on one contact with your favorite comic book writer or artist is my favorite element of the con experience. It’s your chance to talk about your favorite heroes, villains and hear great stories. I went right to Mike Choi to have several Uncanny X-Men and X-23 issues autographed. I was his first fan sketch of the con! I asked for Black Bolt of the Inhumans. The Marvel Comics hero is famous for his super powered voice that can shatter cities so he can never speak in general conversation so it’s appropriate that Mike wrote “Shh…” as part of his signature!


Mike Choi at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

   I remember Tony Daniel’s art on X-Force in the 1990’s. Today he’s writing Batman in Detective Comics. This was a rare con appearance. I interviewed Tony about his experience writing Batman’s rogues gallery and his creation of popular new villains. In the sketch duels, Tony revealed how the rock band KISS was a big inspiration and led to his first commission. An elementary school kid had him draw KISS in exchange for trading cards!


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

  What do you say to a legend? Len Wein created Wolverine – that alone makes him a Titan among the geeks. Wein edited the original Watchmen series and now he’s writing one of the Before Watchmen prequels. The legend told me the best rule to follow as an editor is the hire good creators and stay out of their way.

FanExpoVancouver photo by

  Sketch duels were my favorite part of this con. 3 artists had 1 hour to create a sketch to be raffled off to a lucky fan. The creators sketched while answering our questions and sharing great stories about their inspirations and careers. As the final sketches were revealed, the geek cheers grew louder and louder. A fangirl dressed as Mystique won Stephen Sadowski’s Aquaman sketch.

  I joined the crowd cheering for Kevin Sorbo of Hercules and Andromeda. Sorbo shared lots of fun stories of filming the adventure series back in New Zealand. With a fan forum like this the comments and questions went from mild to wild. A former production assistant on the Vancouver based Andromeda thanked him for being such a great star on the series. One guy had to ask, “how many times did you get laid because you were Hercules?” The star took it all in stride with the same humor and charm that made him a great Herc.



Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

  The geek shall inherit the Earth. This weekend they owned a little part of Vancouver thanks to the stars of our favorite genre shows and the comic book writers and artists that help us relive our childhood. By Editor


Greetings from Fan Expo Vancouver!

Thor at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

An amazing first day at Vancouver’s first major comicon! The Canadian city is in the heart of majestic mountains. Fan Expo Vancover is at the convention centre on the waterfront. It looks like Asgard on Earth – a perfect setting for Thor!


Batmobile at Fan Expo Vancouver photo by

Adam West & Burt Ward (TV’s Batman & Robin) are big attractions along with their famous Batmobile. Many costumed fans – including a few Batmen – waited for the photo op with the famous ride!


FanExpoVancouver photo by

I had the opportunity to interview the legendary Len Wein and Whilce Portacio, stay tuned for more. One of my favorite non-panel panels was the sketch duels – 3 artists, 1 hour, great conversation between creators and fans. Round 1 was Mike Choi, Georges Jeanty and Stephen Sadowski. Mystique won Sadowski’s Aquaman sketch! Tony Daniel, Whilce Portacio and Yanick Paquette were round 2 – the fans challenge – draw Harley Quinn with the character of your choice! Tomorrow is Esad Ribic vs. Tim Bradstreet.

Kristin Bauer of True Blood at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

Fan Expo Vancouver brought stars of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Stargate, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and one of my favorites Kristin Bauer of True Blood!

Gambit & Phoenix at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

I’m working on more posts including some cool fan costumes! Stay tuned.