Comic Book geek, lover, writer!

Comic Book geek, lover, writer!

Hellfire Saga Begins in Wolverine and the X-Men

Wolverine & the X-Men #31 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine & the X-Men #31 courtesy Marvel

Summer is almost here but school is in session! This week in Wolverine and the X-Men #31 Jason Aaron starts a brand new arc. Artist Nick Bradshaw returns to for The Hellfire Saga. Writer Jason Aaron and X-Editor Nick Lowe explain how the story ties into the recent past and launches into the X-Men’s 50th Anniversary:

“It feels good to get here. It’s been building for quite awhile, since Schism, even before issue #1 of Wolverine & The X-Men. The character arcs of kids like Idie and Quentin Quire, plus oddball characters like Toad and Husk, they all come to a head here,” Jason Aaron tells

From the Hellfire Club to invading Brood to a space casino to the Savage Land, Aaron has created some outrageous scenarios for Logan and the kids to survive but get ready to be astonished again as the writer claims Continue reading Hellfire Saga Begins in Wolverine and the X-Men


Batman #21 courtesy DC Comics
Batman #21 courtesy DC Comics

How Bruce became the Batman! Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo reveal the Dark Knight’s New 52 Origin.


DC Comics shared these new covers and first look inside Batman #21 as Zero Year begins:


“Six years ago, Gotham City was ruled by the Red Hood gang and their mysterious leader. A sophisticated collection of anonymous Gothamites, the Red Hoods existed as sleeper agents and stood ready to answer their master’s call at a moment’s notice. Meanwhile, a young and untested Bruce Wayne, legally dead and long since forgotten, arrives in the city ready to take on its new criminal overlord. Can Bruce tackle the Red Hoods without the cowl of the Dark Knight? And what sort of plans does Bruce’s uncle, his enigmatic advisor, have for the heir to Wayne Industries? From the acclaimed and New York Times bestselling creative team of Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo, Batman #21 kicks off the explosive and highly anticipated Zero Year.”


Keep scrolling for more art from Batman #21 out Wednesday! Continue reading BATMAN ZERO YEAR Preview!


Superman Unchained #1 courtesy DC Comics
Superman Unchained #1 courtesy DC Comics

Scott Snyder going back to Zero Year with Batman and launching the Man of Steel inot the future this week. Snyder and Jim Lee launching Superman Unchained this week.

Given Snyder’s track record with Batman and Swamp Thing how darker will this Superman book be? He’s what Snyder told Comic Book Resources:

“I really like stories where characters are challenged by their worst fears. Superman is facing someone new and it’s going to shake him. It’s not horror, and there’s humor between the characters, but it’s definitely about dealing with something that frightens him. This is basically the Superman story I would tell if I could only do one. It’s got the full cast and Lex Luthor, but also newpsychological elements that I don’t think people have really seen with Superman before.”

Snyder explains how mainstays Lex Continue reading SUPERMAN UNCHAINED Begins


courtesy DC Comics
courtesy DC Comics

The Dark Knight is going back to basics with a nearly year-long storyline – Zero Year kicking off this week. The upcoming Batman arc by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo focuses on the beginning of Bruce Wayne’s crime fighting career in The New 52.

“It’s not ‘let’s redo the origin,'” Snyder told the AP.

“We tried to preserve as much of Batman’s history as we could,” said the writer. Snyder promised this Continue reading BATMAN YEAR ZERO Begins

Uncanny Avengers Welcomes Salvador Larroca

Cable and X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

Red Skull. Kang. Apocalypse Twins. Onslaught. The new unity team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom faces a unholy army of villains. Captain America and Wolverine’s Unity Team may get some reinforcements in Uncanny Avengers #12 from Cable and X-Force!

One of the big reasons I’m sharing this story is because celebrated artist Salvador Larroca (X-Men, Invincible Iron Man and currently Cable and X-Force) is joining the September issue focusing on Kang the Conqueror. Larroca is one of my all-time favorite artists who been innovative. Here’s just one cover from his X-Treme X-Men run with Chris Claremont.

Bishop & Storm from X-treme X-Men #30 courtesy Marvel
Bishop & Storm from X-treme X-Men #30 courtesy Marvel

Writer Rick Remender shares with how the issue will Continue reading Uncanny Avengers Welcomes Salvador Larroca

More Evil Aliens of Avengers Infinity!

Avengers #20 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #20 courtesy Marvel

Who said there was only one!?

Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers arc began with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes taking on Ex Nihilo on Mars. In this Marvel preview of Avengers #20 we learn there are most of these cosmic devils appearing in Infinity.

“[These are] other ‘Ex Nihilos’ created by the Alephs sent out into the universe by the Builders to encourage or deter the evolution of sentient species,” reveals Hickman of these aliens and their ties to the beginning of his run.

“They were extrapolations from [artist] Jerome [Opena] and Jonathan’s first Ex Nihilo, Continue reading More Evil Aliens of Avengers Infinity!


MIghty Avengers courtesy Marvel
Mighty Avengers courtesy Marvel

It’s the big finale to Marvel’s week of MIGHTY teasers! Mighty Avengers is a brand new book tied to the INFINITY event! When Earth’s Mightiest Heroes must go on a mission across the galaxy – these heroes will rise up to protect our world!


Luke Cage, Superior Spider-Man, She-Hulk will be joined by Blue Marvel, White Tiger and the new Power Man. Today Marvel revealed more members of the roster (Falcon and Monica Rambeau now with new code-name: Spectrum and a new Ronin) and the creative team: Al Ewing and Greg Land. Continue reading MIGHTY AVENGERS!